Journaling Will Help You Start To Re-focus And De-Stress Your Life
The best part is, there's no right or wrong way to do it. You just need to find what works for you.
Let's be honest, the hardest part about journaling is the same as the gym: physically making yourself start. I love the gym, and I love writing, but walking to the gym and picking up a pen is almost more daunting than the activity itself.
If you're like me, and you've found yourself stuck in your head more often than not, journaling could be a great place to start tackling your emotions.
The best part is, there's no right or wrong way to do it. You just need to find what works for you.
1. Talk about someone you love
I can't say this enough. Write about why you love someone that you do, certain things they've done, past memories you've had together, or your favorite things about their personality. Chances are the characteristics that stand out to you about them are the traits that are most important to you.
2. Past memories
Small events and details can bring back more emotions that you would ever realize.
3. A favorite quote
Sometimes a quote will pop out at me in a book I'm reading, or on my way to class. Other days, I'll find myself googling "_(emotion I'm experiencing)_ quotes" and I'll find new ones that I love.
4. Great things that happened today
I love using the phrase "be stupidly optimistic." By great things, I don't mean winning the lottery or even acing your exam (although if that happens 100% counts). I'm talking the small things you might normally push aside, like someone taking time to hold the door for you, or your relative giving you a call.
5. X things you're grateful for
Challenge yourself to come up with new ones every time. It makes me realize how lucky I am every time I do this type of entry.
6. Flip to a random picture in your phone
Describe it, the setting, the memories, the emotions. Sometimes you'll end on a picture that's so random, but will make you think hard, and often other forgotten memories will resurface too.
7. Draw out your emotions
I'm still working on this one, but I've found that sometimes what I'm feeling is more fluent in pictures (even though to say the least, I am not an artist). They can be doodles, to world collages, to anything in between. Your childhood creative side might be begging to come out.