How To Survive Freshman Year Of College As Told By "Rick And Morty"
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How To Survive Freshman Year Of College As Told By "Rick And Morty"

A few tips that'll help you get through your first year of college

How To Survive Freshman Year Of College As Told By "Rick And Morty"

When you finally graduate high school and are about to enter the crazy adventure, which is college, it's very likely that you'll need some help or advice to get through your freshmen year. Your first year is a new experience, and new can very well be a scary thing because you don't know what to expect. New location, new roommates, new friends, new experiences and opportunities around every corner. There is no real survival guide on how to make it through those mysterious semesters, but the best advice we can get is from students who already finished their freshmen year of college.

Being on your own for the first time is a giant milestone in your life. This allows you the freedom that you have never felt before by making all your own decisions and doing what you want to do with no one to tell you no. It's amazing as it sounds, but being on your own represents that you're maturing. Being mature comes with being responsible and to succeed in college you must be that. So here are few simple tips that a lot of students in my freshmen class could've used that would've made their lives a lot easier. So to help all you freshies out, here's how to survive college according to "Rick and Morty."

1. Stay well-rested.

The Red Bulls and the Starbucks are life savers at times for late night study sessions or to get you through a three-hour long lecture, but they come with a nasty crash afterward. A lack of sleep starts to take a toll on not only your grades but your mental stability as well. Having at least 8 hours of good sleep a night will guarantee better grades, a better social life, and a better first year of college.

2. Party how you want to party.

Don't be anyone that your not. Peer pressure will swallow you up and spit you out into something that changes you into an entirely different person. Be open to new experiences and try new things that interest you. Don't join fraternities or sororities just to be "cool", because there are so many different clubs and programs that you can join where you'll meet so many people with similar interest. In the short-ter, don't party to impress people, but party how you want and do whatever makes you happy. Don't forget:

3. Do NOT procrastinate.

We have all been there when you have a six-page paper due at 11:59 p.m. and you look at the clock and it's already 11. You look at your laptop and all you have is your name typed. Getting a head start on your work as soon as you have it assigned will save you so much stress. Postponing till last minute is not a strategy to be proud of. While all your friends go out and make memories without you, you're inside typing nonsense onto your laptop just trying to make the deadline.

4. Try new things and say "yes" more often.

Don't just walk by and ignore the guy handing out the flyers to an event on campus. If you have no friends since moving to college, getting involved on campus is the best way to meet people. Campuses are holding events all the time to connect it's students to one another. The hard part is actually going. It can be nerve-wracking to go out and try new things, but just remember most of the people are there for the same reason as you (and the free t-shirts) and in the end, you'll make friends that will carry with you for the rest of your life. So, when offered a new opportunity, just say:

5. Check

Before you choose which classes to take you should check "" This website is one of the greatest tools invented for us students. Students write reviews about how likable these professors are, how intense the workload is, and how they teach the class in general. If you don't do this, you can be stuck with a professor you absolutely hate and if you don't drop them before the deadline then you'll be stuck with that hardship for the rest of the semester. Trust me, you don't want to get stuck with a professor you hate because if you have a problem with the class they will treat you like this.

6. Beware of hook-ups.

One night stands sound like they can be fun, but nothing is more awkward then heading to class the next day and bumping into the person you just hooked up with the night before. Besides it being awkward, you never know who to trust. Both girls/guys can be really scummy and some would do just about anything to get into your pants and then just leave. Emotions can escalate and real problems can occur. Have fun, but be careful who you hang out with and decide to hook-up with because they can disappear in a flash, leaving you hurt and taken advantage of.

7. Study groups are a must.

Classes can be difficult and some can leave you staring at a homework problem for hours. The chances are that some of your classmates are dealing with the same issues as well. Find these students and start a study group either in the library or one of their dorms. Working as a team really helps make sense of the problems and will prepare you for a better grade on the test. Also, if you failed the test chances are your group failed as well, so you know you're not alone with your "F."

8. Times will get tough, but don't give up.

I know it is cliche, but hard work pays off. You will get stressed. You will want to cry. You will want to lay in bed forever. You will want to quit. Even though times will get hard, you can get through it. You've made it this far, why let one bad test, friendship or class ruin your life? Make a life goal for yourself, and stick to that no matter what. Wake up each morning giving school everything you got because when it's all finished you'll be one step closer to your goal and a successful life. There are so many different people on campus to talk to for help in any situation. Mentors, tutors, therapist, health professionals. Never be afraid to look for help. Never give up.

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