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8 Women of Color-Owned Makeup Brands You Need To Be Supporting

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8 Women of Color-Owned Makeup Brands You Need To Be Supporting

Doing your makeup is a way of life, to me anyways. I am satisfied by the stroke of my brush as it cleans up my well-defined brow. I am at peace when I spray a soothing setting spray to finalize my look.

If you're like me, you want to give back to your community in any way that you can. For makeup lovers like me, this includes buying from women of color-owned makeup brands. Some of these products range from inexpensive to high end, but in the end, I think whatever price is worth it if it means supporting WOC.

1. The Lip Bar

The Lip Bar started out as a startup company when the founders were unfortunately rejected from a deal on "Shark Tank." I really appreciate this brand because they are a rags-to-riches kind of story. I find it's very rare to find brands who are genuine and consistent in their products, but The Lip Bar nails it every time. Today, they have a following of 140,000 followers on Instagram and have their line of lipsticks made for all women sold in Target stores around the country.

2. Iman Cosmetics

Targeted for women of color, Iman Cosmetics was started by David Bowie's supermodel wife Iman in 1994. Iman Cosmetics considers women of all skin shades, including a line of skincare products. You can find their products in Target!

3.  Beauty Bakerie

Founder Cashmere Nicole wanted nothing more than to give her daughter the world. She wanted to show her there was beauty in everything. Nicole founded Beauty Bakerie in 2011 with a theme of sweet treats. I highly recommend the flour baking powder, which leaves a flawless finish to any makeup look.

4. Coloured Raine

Launched in 2013, Coloured Raine's goal was to create a cosmetics line that was diversifying and accessible to all women. Their vibrant shades and pigments of eyeshadows and liquid lipsticks make it great so that anyone can wear and look fabulous in them!

5. Fenty Beauty

Fenty Beauty by Rihanna blew the competition out of the water when she debuted in 2017 with a huge range of complexion products for almost every shade of person. Donned by queen mother Rihanna herself, she made sure that there is a piece of the pie for everyone. Rihanna is doing what the girls should have done a long time ago. I'm really loving her Killawatt Highlight in Hustla Baby, and the Gloss Bomb is TO DIE FOR.

6. Juvia's Place

Juvia's is really the most ideal go-to for eyeshadows for me. Their ranges and well-pigmented shades always have me coming back for more. They are on the inexpensive side of the makeup aisle, and have a beautiful theme of African queens goddesses on most of their products. And they almost always have a sale going on.

7. Pat McGrath Labs

Pat McGrath started her humble beginnings as a makeup artist. Soon becoming world-renowned and beloved, she started her own line of cosmetics in 2015. Pat McGrath is for the working woman. She's sleek and sophisticated, but fun. Her line includes a multitude of lipsticks, eyeshadows, and more.

8. Mented Cosmetics

Mented started out asking the age-old question: "Where are the nude lipsticks for the colored girls?" You always found nude in a beige or a light pink, but they would never flatter the darker skinned woman. Mented has a line of lipsticks and other products catered to suit and look flattering on women of color.

Are you looking forward to supporting women of color makeup brands? What are you waiting for?

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