7 Reasons To Support Small Businesses
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7 Reasons to Support Small Concert Venues

Go support your local venues - become a fan before the fame.

7 Reasons to Support Small Concert Venues
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How great would it be if you could attend a concert every week? Imagine living in a world where you could afford that. Little do you know, you probably can. I attend a show just about every other week, and it's so simple to manage. Attending any concert is great, but I think small concerts are even better. There are so many perks that come with going to local small shows.

1. You're supporting local business.

First thing's first, who would not want to keep the money they are spending in their community? Attending local small concerts is a great way to support local business and have a great time while doing that. 68 percent of money spent at a local business gets put right back into the community, while only 43 percent gets put back into the community with a big business. Think of every large concert venue. Most of them are named after another big business. The reason for this is because the company either owns the building or is a big sponsor providing money for the place. Small venues typically have very few owners - the money you are spending is more likely to directly support someone.

Not only does supporting local business make you feel better about the money you are spending, but it just feels so much more personal. Local businesses uniquely reflect local culture – buying local makes sure this diversity stays there. Think about when you go on vacation. While you are there, you want to go places that provide you the sense of being somewhere, not just anywhere. My friends always make fun of me for hating chain restaurants and always wanting to go to local places, but it just provides me with such a sense of belonging when I buy from small businesses, whether it be at home or on vacation.

2. It's cost-effective.

Most small shows are extremely inexpensive, if not free. I go to a show what seems to average at least once a week. It's a low-cost way to have so much fun. It's crazy to me how many people say how they're so jealous of me for going to so many concerts because they could never afford that. In reality, many of these people go out to eat multiple times a week, which ends up costing more than what one concert ticket would. If live music is something you really enjoy, and you prioritize what means the most to you, it's likely that anyone could afford this.

3. Safety

Not to say you'll never catch me at a large concert or music festival, but I feel so much safer at small shows. Bag checks and going through metal detectors is typically required at an arena or amphitheater, but sometimes I do not feel like this is enough. There are so many people to be sure are safe, and I can't say I've ever been to a concert with a large attendance that didn't have a serious fight, or even an arrest because someone was simply out of control. Music festivals are often full of drugs, and basically, anything can happen. I believe it is nearly impossible to staff enough security to keep track of that many people. While at a small show, I feel like I can look around and see every person in the room, which is something that provides me with peace of mind.

4. It'll give you a mood boost.

Live music provides a special kind of entertainment. The excitement that comes with buying the ticket, preparing for the show, going with friends, and savoring the memories can provide happy memories and feelings for many weeks at a time. As John A. Logan once said, "Music is the medicine of the mind." No matter what kind of mood you are in, it is certain that when you are at a concert, you will probably be feeling your best, or at least that's how it is for me! It is a healthy way to get your mind off of anything that may be bothering you. In my darkest times, music was always there for me.

5. The people you meet

I have met so many of my friends at shows of artists we both enjoyed. For some reason, these friendships always seem to come about at the small venues rather than the big ones. It's probably because it is rarer to have a common liking an artist that doesn't have as many fans, therefore you have an instant connection with one another. Not only will you have the opportunity to meet friends in the crowd, it's likely you could meet the artist. These artists at small venues are just like you, normal people, just chasing a dream.

I feel like when you find one small artist you like, it just keeps going. You go to a show of theirs, fall in love with their opening act, end up going to a show of the opening act, and then falling for their opening act as well. You just keep finding smaller and smaller artists to love and support.

6. Get connected to the industry.

It only makes sense that I want to work in the music industry, as my whole life revolves around what new music I have found, or what concert I will be going to next. Going to these small show means being able to make connections within the music industry, whether that be with the artist, their manager, A&R people, really anyone. I honestly find concerts to be the best place for me to make these connections. Sure, I could go to any networking event and make these connections, but where am I more likely to stand out or get remembered: an event where you talk to 20 people who have all of the same dreams as me, or a small concert, where this one person came and talked to you about all of their dreams, and you could see first hand just how passionate I was about the music?

7. Supporting an artist from the beginning.

You get to see these people when not a soul besides yourself (if you even do) know their music. There's nothing quite like watching an artist's career explode and being able to say you have been there through it all. It is hard to explain how amazing it is to watch a musician you believed in making it from being a nobody to being the person everybody is talking about. No matter what genre you like, I'm sure you can find an artist you would like at a nearby small concert venue. Go support your local venues - become a fan before the fame.

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