Walking is different here. 20 blocks on the boardwalk, does not feel like you actually just walked 20 blocks. | The Odyssey Online
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20 Things You Know And Experience When You Vacation in Wildwood, NJ

Everyone has a shore point that they know and love, they probably all have different features that make them unique too.

20 Things You Know And Experience When You Vacation in Wildwood, NJ
Madyson Thompson

Everyone has their go-to vacation place, and for the majority of North East Philadelphia, and many other people, that place is Wildwood, New Jersey.

Wildwood is home to its own local residents, but their population immensely grows after Memorial Day Weekend, which kicks off the season. Wildwood has many different features that people who stay here know and come to love or hate, and here are some of those features that most Wildwood vacationers should recognize.

The ongoing pizza debate between Sam’s versus Mack’s.

Madyson Thompson

Of course, there are more than just these two pizza spots in Wildwood, but these two are the constant talk of those who vacation here, and are clearly the superior spots, which one is the best? This is still an argument among many.

The seemingly never ending sound of “watch the tram car please!”

Amy Ford

Whenever you're on the boardwalk, or even in a short distance from it you, hear the annoying tape over and over again.

Having to constantly hide your food on the boards or the beach from the annoying seagulls.

Cait Garlick

How annoying is it that you can never just walk down the boards with food because of the seagulls that are vultures when it comes to stealing food. So, instead of being able to walk around freely, you need to stop and sit at the tables with umbrellas to keep your food hidden and safe.

Relaxing on the beach can quickly be interrupted by the calling of “Fudgy Wudgy”, sometimes you want to go meet the man, but other times you think, really he’s here? AGAIN?!

Amy Ford

I mean sometimes a nice cold ice cream cone is perfect for the beach, but then other times, hearing the guy calling for ice cream 10 times throughout your beach day can be a bit much.

Curley’s fries are the BEST fries in Wildwood. (I said what I said, and you’re not going to change my mind)

Jessica Jones-Thompson

You can try to argue this, but there really isn't an argument. Sure Chickie and Petes recently joined the island, but you can get them year-round, and they're not the perfect pair with a slice of Sam's like Curley's is.

Polish water ice screams your name upon arrival, and it is extremely satisfying after settling for Rita’s in the off-season.

Mariah Sullivan

It is a great change up of water ice that you can't have in the off-season, so in season is super rewarding when you get that first refreshing cup.

The island is always busy. There is never not something going on, so you’re rarely ever bored.

Jessica Jones-Thompson

Wildwood always offers something to do, whether it be the multiple different beach blasts for different sports, different fitness obstacles, or even polar plunge in the off season, there is always something going on.

The food festivals are something to look forward to every year (especially BBQ weekend).


While Wildwood has many options for food, the festivals give those extra options, and they are amazing.

Wawa’s Hoagiefest is a life saver to your bank account if you spend the entire summer there.


Sure you want different hoagies and sandwiches, but that's why Wawa is great, their hoagiefest isn't just hoagies! It's all of their classic sized sandwiches, which is a ton of options for a great price.

Walking is different here. 20 blocks on the boardwalk, does not feel like you actually just walked 20 blocks.

Amy Ford

For some reason walking is much easier here, and doesn't seem as far as it does when you walk anywhere else.

There are so many different food options to choose from.

Madyson Thompson

Of course Philadelphia has many different food options too, but Wildwood has its own unique food venues that are all amazing in every way! Some of these places, like the Wharf, have great food and entertainment as well!

Everything is better here, because you’re down the shore.

Jessica Jones-Thompson

There isn't much else to say here, the shore makes everyone happier and just creates a much better environment for everything.

Keenan’s is the best bar, offering different specials and events for all ages! (This one might be slightly biased, but I am sure a ton of other people agree with me)

Dominic Carey

There are so many bars on the island, but the best one, in my opinion, is Keenan's. They have different events constantly, and they often even have fun for the whole family!

You can park your car, and leave it parked for the majority of your stay.

Valerie Werner

Most things are walking distance and so cars aren't really a necessity for you once you're already on the island. You can just walk around and enjoy the views. (like the sea wall)

There are still activities on the piers that you will never get to old for. Like the Log Floom, the Nor'Easter, the Ferris Wheel, or really anything in the water park.

Jessica Jones-Thompson

These activities will always be fun! No matter what age you are, you still need a few moments of thrill, and these things provide just that!

This is one of the only places people actually follow the speed limit.


There's obviously speed limits everywhere, but everyone who vacations in wildwood knows the speed limit here is nothing to mess with because the cops here will give you a ticket immediately, with no leeway.

You do NOT have to pay to sit on the beach.

Madyson Thompson

Some beaches charge for entrance to the beach, but not Wildwood! This is one of the many great features that Wildwood has to offer.

You look forward to seeing the “Entering North Wildwood” sign.

Cait Garlick

This is a staple to your trip to Wildwood, there's two entrance points, but this one with the North Wildwood sign is definitely the favorite of many as they race to get the perfectly timed photograph of the sign.

At night, if you can, avoid Sam’s pizza. If not, you’re walking into crowds of teenagers who are “too cool” for rides, and this is the cool place to be.

Madyson Thompson

This crowd is unavoidable as this is literally the place to be when your young and don't have any other plans for the night, you sit and stand around the front of Sam's pizza in different groups talking with friends.

And for those of you from the North East, you know that this is your home away from home, where you get all of the perks of being down the shore, with all of the home perks of still seeing your neighbors and friends.

Jessica Jones-Thompson

This is literally a second home, everyone knows someone, and you run into home friends constantly.

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