16 Struggles Every Make-Up Lover Knows
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16 Struggles Every Make-Up Lover Knows

Makeup Lover Problems

16 Struggles Every Make-Up Lover Knows

1. Cleaning your brushes is time consuming, and miserable

No, I'm not talking about cleaning your main ride or die brushes. I'm talking about pulling out every single one of your brushes and scrubbing them until your fingers bleed.

2. A broken compact is more heartbreaking than a breakup

You know the excitement, of opening up that new Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector in Opal. The smooth texture of the beautiful, ultrafine luminescent pearls makes your eyes water. And then you do it. You set it on the corner of the counter and go to grab your Morphe M439 and knock it straight on the floor. Your heart drops, sweats already pouring down your face anticipating the look of it. Will it be untouched? Will there be a little chunk missing? Or will it look like someone took a hammer to it? Picking it up and seeing all of that beautiful pigment in tiny pieces is enough to send you in cardiac arrest. Don't worry, nothing a little rubbing alcohol and the back of a spoon won't fix. But it's still one of the scariest experiences, ever.

3. Having no patience when it comes to winged eyeliner

I really feel like my Kat Von D Tattoo Ink Liner can sense my fear. Winged eyeliner is a true art form, and takes hours of practice. And those days when you can't get it right, are the days you wear a smoky eye.

4. You have no problem spending $200 at Sephora but won't buy a $40 t-shirt

New e-mail, you just hit VIB Rouge. It's exciting at first, then you feel the guilt and you can hear your mother's faint voice scolding you for buying so much makeup. We can all agree getting new makeup is the best thing, you can't wait to play and try so many different looks. It's worth it to me, I mean I could be spending money on drugs. Instead I have a healthy addiction of eye shadow palettes and liquid lipstick. Where's my money you ask? It's on my face.

5. You know more about your fav beauty guru's life versus actual people in your life

No shame in this game. What's more exhilarating than spending a night eating cookie dough and watching other girls/boys slay their face? Every beauty guru has their own style and they're all unique in their own way. You feel connected to them, they're some of your best friends. They just might not know that, but you know that Frank just got a haircut and she's upset at her recent YSL purchase. Some of my personal favorite guru's to watch on YouTube are Jaclyn Hill, NikkiGlamour, Stephanie Nicole, and NikkieTutorials.

6. Dealing with makeup haterzzz

"Why do you wear that much makeup?" "You'd look prettier without makeup" "That's too much, just be natural".

1. I wear as much makeup as I want. 2. I have enough confidence to gladly walk around this office without a drop of foundation, Patrica. 3. I appreciate your opinion, but I will do what I want with my own face.

7. Not being able to afford to buy every collab that comes out

Having to pick between Nikkie's Too Faced Palette and Kathleen Light's MUG Highlight palette is.. hard. You want it all, and the words "limited edition" is heartbreaking. The more collabs come out the harder my bank account cries. I really wish they would space them out so broke girls can have enough time to save up and buy all of them.

8. Wanting the Alex drawers from IKEA so... bad

The most beautiful vanity's I've ever seen are with the Alex drawers. They look so luxurious, and make storing makeup so much easier.

9. The most annoying thing of all time: fallout

Nothing sucks more than spending $50 on an eye shadow palette and after lightly dipping your MAC 217 brush in a shade, the powder kicks up from the pressed form and you're left with your money falling all over the place. There's other forms of fallout, like when you're blending your eye shadow like a dream, you'll get a little fallout under your eyes. Best way to prevent that is baking with powder and letting it sit while you do your eye shadow. As for palette fallout, it's inevitable. There will always be a little fallout.

10. Having an amazing makeup day, but no good lighting

This one speaks to me personally. I don't own a nice camera. All I have is my iPhone, which the camera isn't terrible but it's very hard to get that Instagram quality. Natural lighting is the best, even then it's hard to really capture your look. Pictures never do it justice, and it can be really irritating when you're trying to show your talent. If you're really getting big into makeup, it might be the best thing to invest in a better camera and really work until you figure out how to get good lighting.

11. Eyelash Glue

This stuff gets.. everywhere. I use the DUO Eyelash Glue in Black, and it can take forever to get tacky. So I rush and all of a sudden I have goops of it in my eyeball. If you have watery eyes you can relate to not being able to get your glue to dry. It can be a pain to deal with sometimes, and I really wish they would make them with wands to apply with. Once those lashes are on though, you can watch a whole season of Grey's and those lashes aren't moving.

12. Focusing your money mostly on makeup and not on your wardrobe

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am so guilty of this. I'll forget that I need new leggings or work clothes, but hey at least I'll show up with a fierce new eye look.

13. Running out of arm/hand space

So. Many. Swatches.

14. That layer of makeup that ends up on your phone after a call

15. When you go to put the mascara wand back in the tube and you miss

Like how?! HOW. I'm staring at the tube and the wand throws a fit and says "nope."

16. Needing to make more friends to tag in giveaways

You know who your main 3 girls are, you tag them in every giveaway and they do the same to you. You do feel like maybe the notifications could be a little annoying, so you're always looking for new Instagram giveaway tag friends. I never ever will win one, but it's worth a shot.

Although there are struggles to loving makeup, we can all agree its worth it. Spending awhile perfecting a look you learned on YouTube then going out for the night and receiving compliments is payoff for your hard work. Makeup is messy, difficult, and expensive. But you can't put a price on the feeling of mastering slaying your face.

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