Brunei Shouldn't Punish LGBTQ+ Members At All | The Odyssey Online
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Brunei Shouldn't Punish LGBTQ+ Members For Loving One Another

Nowadays, it seems that no one is allowed to love who they want.

Brunei Shouldn't Punish LGBTQ+ Members For Loving One Another

It seems that even in today's society, people are still trying to tell others who they can love and what they can identify as. Brunei has enacted a set of strict Islamic laws that'll make adultery and being in a gay relationship punishable by being stoned to death. "Under stages two and three of the penal code, sex between two men and adultery both carry a punishment of stoning to death, while sex between two women is punishable with 100 lashes."

Homosexuality & Adultery Are Now Punishable With Death In Brunei: Here's What to Know |

Not only were people punishable by being stoned to death, but, people can have limbs amputated for stealing, and even being thrown in prison if you decided to dress like the opposite gender. Not only am I appalled, but I am extremely angry with the choices this country's government has decided to implement. Rarely do you hear about someone being stoned to death for loving someone of the same sex, let alone being stoned to death for any crime. Are we in going back in time? That's ridiculous. It's ridiculous if you're punished in any way for identifying yourself in the LGBTQ+ community. Prior to this new set of laws, being homosexual was only brought with a punishment of 10 years in prison, still highly frowned upon by people and had to be a 'hush-hush' situation.

The newly implemented laws lit up an international outcry; people were enraged, the laws are inhumane, disgusting, and it left people fearing for their lives and the safety of their friends and families. CNN interviewed a gay man by the name of Khairul who said that "it's a very aggressive punishment. It's not something that a human should suffer...just because of being a homosexual." These new laws went into effect on April 3rd, applying to all the citizens in the country including children.

Social media voiced their statements on the new laws, boycotting Brunei-owned hotels and encouraging people to do the same and spread the message. According to a representative from Brunei, the laws "aim to educate, respect and protect the legitimate rights of all individuals, society, or nationality of any faiths and race." That's a load of bullshit. How can you try to say you're advocating for equal rights and allowing everyone to be themselves if your government is going to implement laws that would punish someone to being stoned to death because they were homosexual?

I am disappointed that this is what our world has come to. People today still can't truly be themselves as they fear their life could be taken or they could be thrown in prison and ridiculed for identifying as homosexual. It took America long enough to legalize gay marriage and the fact that there are countries who don't allow a single thing in relation to the LGBTQ+ community is just mind-blowing and saddening. The people of Brunei shouldn't have to treat their sexual identity as a taboo subject that should never be discussed. That's why we have people taking their lives because they're so ridden with depression because they aren't accepted in society for who they are.

Hopefully, the Sultan of Brunei will open their eyes and realize that what they are enacting is wrong and unacceptable in any circumstance. People should be able to feel safe and confident with themselves in their own country, not fear that they'll be the victim of being stoned to death.

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