5 Thoughts Everyone Has In Their Elementary Statistics Class | The Odyssey Online
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5 Thoughts Everyone Has In Their Elementary Statistics Class

"I'm fine. I'm Fine!"

5 Thoughts Everyone Has In Their Elementary Statistics Class

As a part of my department's requirements, I have to take an Elementary Statistics class in order to receive a NYS initial teaching certification. Since I happen to want that certification, guess who's enrolled in MTH 207-Elementary Statistics? Yup, you guessed it! This girl!

Math is kind of weird for me because I actually really enjoy the abstract reasoning of it, it seems to randomly make sense in my mind (probably because I'm weird). Nonetheless, this class is tough! Have you ever been in a class and thought to yourself, "Yeah, I've got this. It totally makes sense". And then, when you're working on the homework later that night you understand absolutely nothing?I know the feeling!

My professor knows me very well because I've been to his office at least ten times already and we are constantly emailing each other. Thank goodness for patient and kind professors!

Here are five memes that are quite possibly the most accurate representations of my relationship with my stats class:

1. That iconic moment when Ross said, "I'm fine".

This is usually the response I give to people after my stats class is over on Monday, Wednesday, & F.riday I am really trying to hold it together but I just can't. Here comes the squeaky voice.

2. Waiting to go into my professor's office and prefacing the meeting by saying the following:

3. Don't forget to sketch graphs!

We've been assigned three homework assignments thus far and it's week seven but each assignment is sneaky. It looks like it'll be short and sweet but really, each question has between 3 and 6 parts so it's actually going to consume the rest of your week (and life).

4. Just to be clear, I'm Woody and Buzz is my professor.

5. Nothing is stored in my brain!

This is surely the truth! It makes sense in class but come test day, nothing is stored in my brain! Thanks to my wonderfully kind and down-to-earth professor, we get to have a cheat sheet during the test for special formulas. THANK YOU SIR.

I'll be honest, the class is intimidating and there are so many concepts to learn, but with my professor, it's been a great experience...for now. I'm sure in the next few weeks I will feel differently about all of this.
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