9 Star Wars LEGO Sets From 1999 That Need A 2019 Re-Release | The Odyssey Online
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9 Star Wars LEGO Sets From 1999 That Need A 2019 Re-Release

2019 is the 20th anniversary of the Star Wars LEGO brand.

9 Star Wars LEGO Sets From 1999 That Need A 2019 Re-Release

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To this day, I still feel blessed and loved that I was fortunate enough to have amazing parents who were able to provide me with many of the original LEGO Star Wars sets. They hold a place in my heart that many things can't come close to rivaling.

The fact that this series is surpassing the two decade mark is crazy. Thinking back to the 13 original sets from 1999 and how they all looked so cool to my back at the turn of the millennium, makes me want updated versions of all them even more so my nostalgia levels can go off the charts.

I've been going through the OG 13 sets pretty in depth, whether it be by looking at my old sets or watching YouTube reviews of them. As such I've compiled a list of nine of them that need remakes. The ones I didn't include on the list are not because I don't like them as a set (I really love them all), but more so because I feel they've been redone a lot already (X-Wing, Landspeeder, Snow Speeder).

9. Speeder Bikes, 7128. 


The Speeder Bike scene in "Return of the Jedi" is one of the top moments in that film for me. I still remember pretending to be flying through the forests of Endor while I rode my bike around our backyard.

This set needs a re-release with the updated bikes, as well as Leia Han minifigs instead of the Luke one originally released with the set.

8. Droid Fighter, 7111. 


Originally being released for a retail price of $6 back in 1999, this 62 piece set could go up for a re-release this year with the updated color scheme and sleeker design newer models show. I don't think anything needs to be added as far as extra add-ons like shooters or supply crate — just the ship it'self for under $20 would be perfect.

This would also work out agonizingly with the new season of The Clone Wars set to debut this year as Droid Fighters are very prominent in the series...

7. Naboo Swamp, 7121.


Naboo Swamp set was released for $10 back in '99, which would be a fair price back then for two speeders and four minifigs. This set could go up for a remake with newer speeder designs, updated foliage, and including an Obi-Wan minifig.

6. Gungan Sub, 7161.


This set was last re-released in 2012, but that set didn't quite feel the same to me as the original one does. Sure, the newer one is sleeker, but the price point felt too high and it included a Queen Amidala minifig for some reason. Lower the price, scrap the Padme minifig, and find a way to incorporate some of that 1999 charm.

5. Lightsaber Duel, 7101.


This set is ROUGH. The vehicles and extras in this set were never my favorite... but the two minifigs that came with it? OOOOOHHH, BOY. Those were THE TWO most badass character shown in "Episode I." They alone make this set well worth the $6 it was released at.

Let's see a 2019 version of this with a more detailed speeder bike, Maul's seeker droids, and an updated Qui Gon minifig for like 15 bucks. I'd be all over that.

4. Sith Infiltrator, 7151.


This is a set I always wanted (because of my love for maul), but sadly never got the chance to own.

The 2015 version of this ship looks FARRR better than the OG one, but like many re-releases, features a little too much with additions of Qui-Gon, Watto, and Anakin minifigs.

Strip it down and gives us JUST Maul, his ship, his bike, and his droids and LEGO can have my money.

3. TIE Fighter & Y-Wing, 7150.


I feel like LEGO tried an ALMOST remake of this set with the Vader's TIE Advanced vs. A-Wing Starfighter (75150) set released in 2016, but it's just not the same. The Y-Wing set has come SO FAR from 1999 and would look great paired again with Vader's TIE Advance. Maybe an amazing UCS set??

2. Mos Espa Podrace, 7171. 


I am STILL excited being the owner of this awesome set. The podrace scene from "Episode 1" didn't do a lot for the movie in terms of plot... but it was still such a cool scene to watch. Being able to recreate that in my room with this set was always a blast.

I mean, if LEGO wanted to not only keep Gasgano's pod, but also add a fourth, I'm sure nobody would be too upset. ;)

1. Naboo Fighter, 7171


The N-1 Naboo Starfighter is one of my all-time favorite starfighters in the Star Wars universe. The sleekness of Nabooian ships in unmatched and the N-1 is no different.

We need a LARGER, more detailed set with highlights in the chrome LEGO pieces found on the 2002 UCS (10026) set. Please LEGO. My money is yours.

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