'SpongeBob Squarepants: The Broadway Musical' Is One Of The Best | The Odyssey Online
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'SpongeBob Squarepants: The Broadway Musical' Deserves The Title Of Best Broadway Musical

The musical based on the little sponge who lives in pineapple from under the sea blew me out the water.

'SpongeBob Squarepants: The Broadway Musical' Deserves The Title Of Best Broadway Musical

Disclaimer: Although I have only really have only really watched "Anastasia" and "Dear Evan Hansen" on Broadway as well as several school musicals like "Sweeney Todd," etc, I was utterly speechless at how much I loved "SpongeBob Squarepants: The Broadway Musical."

Walking into the theatre with little to no expectations, I thought that it was just going to another musical designed for children with actors dressed in oversized costumes singing about brushing teeth and eating vegetables. However, the musical started with colorful and innovative visual spectacle, and catchy music by heavy hitters like John Legend and Brendon Urie. I was on the edge of my seat as the characters attempt to save Bikini Bottom for a volcano explosion while each character struggles with his or her own problems. And, being completely invested in the plot, I will 100% confirm that Plankton's rapping was probably one of the best things I have ever seen.

In addition, when the characters were shown, these childhood characters we all know and love but projected onto human counterparts. Unlike the TV portrayals, these characters did not have a childlike view of the world or unreasonable optimism. Each character had the essence of the TV show personality but shifted to be more relatable, more human. Each character had motivations, and their actions had consequences.

And, this musical surprisingly highlighted upon real issues like discrimination. When the citizens of Bikini Bottom try to find a reason for an irrational problem, they begin blaming land mammals. Ultimately, Sandy becomes the victim of discrimination as the townspeople panic at the thought of potential danger. This stems from the very real phenomena that happens when individuals are ignorant and are irrationally inclined to blame something instead of nothing.

Yet, my favorite scene of the whole play was Spongebob and Patrick's number highlighting their heartwarming friendship. In the play, it seemed that each was considered a "loser" or underachiever in the eyes of society. Yet, neither of them cared. When they were together, they were with each other against the world, and it didn't matter what the world thought. They valued each other's company and had such a genuine, real connection — so much so that it touched me so deeply.

Furthermore, Spongebob's undying determination in the face of a huge obstacle was super inspiring. His willingness to sacrifice himself in order to save the town by climbing the volcano and diverting the lava by turning it into bubbles. Yet, he ultimately only did this because he loved Bikini Bottom. And, in the end, he is content when awarded a lowly manager position. Although in reality, this position doesn't mean much in the grand scope of things, this meant everything to Spongebob. Yet, it really made me think: Finding happiness in the simplicities of life truly means you value life.

And, when the volcano exploded, and all the characters looked up in awe knowing the town was saved, it was almost magical. There was something very charming about looking at this idealistic world, where people have simple dreams and simple relationships. Yet, they are happy because they didn't want anything more and treasure what they have beyond anything else.

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