Things Spanish Moms Would Say
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18 Spanish Sayings I Live By, Courtesy Of My Mexican Mom

Gracias a million times for your wise words, Mom.

18 Spanish Sayings I Live By, Courtesy Of My Mexican Mom
Daniella Masrour

Growing up, my mom's way of giving me advice was by telling me one of her old Spanish sayings, or dichos as she likes to call them. It turns out she knew what she was doing - every single one ended up helping me in much more impactful ways than any other advice would have. Here are 18 of my favorites, one for each year that I've been alive.

1. El que ríe al ultimo ríe mejor  -- Whoever has the last laugh has the best laugh

If you're ever feeling down, remember to be patient because it isn't over until it's over. There's always an opportunity to "have the last laugh" and come back on top, even if it doesn't seem like it right away.

2. Perro que ladra no muerde -- A dog that barks doesn't bite

Don't get jealous or bothered by people who seem to have it all. More often than not, people talk the talk but do not come even close to walking the walk.

3. Cuando el rio suena, es que agua lleva -- When you can hear the sound of a river, it's because the water is running

Yes, rumors aren't always true and you shouldn't believe everything you hear. But, chances are that if something is going around, it's because there is something to suspect.

4. Díme con quien andas, y te diré quien eres -- Tell me who you hang out with, and I'll tell you who you are 

Although it isn't the best way to judge others, it's human nature to associate others with the people they hang out with. So, always make sure you're around people who you would gladly be associated with because, in the end, that's what people will think you're like.

5. A mal tiempo, buena cara -- When the weather is bad, put on a good face

It is often hard to fake a smile and pretend everything is okay when it isn't but it is important to have a good attitude even in the worst of times.

6. A caballo dado, no se le ve colmillo -- When you're given a horse, don't look at its teeth

When you get a present in life, don't overlook it - be thankful. Basically, nothing is ever free, so when something is, learn to appreciate it.

7. Al que madruga, Dios le ayuda -- Those who get up early receive divine help

Get up early! Start your day on time! Life is short, soak up as much as you can and the pay-off will be extraordinary.

8. Barriga llena, corazón contento -- Full stomach, happy heart

Eating really is the best mood-booster. When you've had a good meal, you can't help but feel happy. So eat every meal and enjoy the heck out of it.

9. Aún no tienes alas y ya quieres volar -- You don't even have wings yet but you already want to fly

Even though it's good to push yourself in life, it's equally important to practice being patient. There's a time in life for everything - don't rush it.

10. Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente --The shrimp that sleeps gets taken by the current

Basically - you snooze, you lose. Life moves quickly and won't be waiting for you, so act on the things you want to see accomplished.

11. Aunque la mona se viste de seda, la mona se queda -- Even if an ugly person wears silk, he/she will still be ugly

You can't cover up a bad interior with a good exterior. Wearing expensive, nice clothing cannot hide who you really are. The only way out is to truly become a better person.

12. A mal paso, darle prisa -- In bad times, be in a rush

Procrastination is the worst possible thing you can do. Face your problems right away to get out of whatever you're going through.

13. Ahogado el niño, tapando el pozo -- When the child is drowning, he/she tries to stop the water

You can't try to fix a problem after it has already done the damage. The best way to live a problem-free life is to prevent problems before they can cause harm.

14. Arrieros somos y en el camino andamos -- We are muleteers and we are on a path

A little more abstract than the others, but this is pointing out that we are all in this together. Everyone has their issues. Don't judge, because, in the end, we are all just making our way through life.

15. El que tiene tienda que la atienda, y si no que la venda -- If you have a store, attend to it, and if you can't then sell it

Take care of the things you have. If you aren't able to take care of what you have in the best way possible, then you're better off getting rid of them or giving them to someone who will take better care of them.

16. El que busca encuentra -- He who looks will find

If you really want something, go out and look for it. Nothing is in plain sight, but everything is possible to find if you really set your mind to looking for it.

17. Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho -- From what you say to what you mean is a long way

Not everything you say will actually be something that you do - actions speak much louder than words.

18. Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo -- The devil knows more from being old than from being devilish

Those who have lived longest have the most experiences to have learned from and are therefore the wisest. So listen to your elders because the long lives they have lived have taught them a little something about life itself. Take this as an example: my mom's old idioms have taken me such a long way.

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