"There Goes My Baby (The Voice Performance)" – Stevie Jo | The Odyssey Online
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These 10 Underground Songs Are Sure To Leave You SHOOK

Because who doesn't need new bops to listen to?

These 10 Underground Songs Are Sure To Leave You SHOOK

Don't we all love finding a new song that is so great that we listen to it on repeat for weeks? Don't we all just love when that song gets so overplayed that it loses its magic? We can all relate, right? It's like starting a new show on Netflix, binge-watching it in its entirety, and then we fall into that weird phase where we feel lost as we search for a new series to start. Well, if you are one of those people looking for a new song to get hooked on, here are some songs (that you probably haven't heard of) that will do just the trick!

"Hurry Up!" – Superfruit 

A song from duo Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi from the popular acapella group Pentatonix," this song has a kind of techno-pop vibe to it that makes you just want to get up, dance, and muster up the guts to call over your crush to come dance with you.

Favorite Lyric: "Hey baby. I've never been in love. But I wanna be. I wanna be. So hurry up."

"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Live)" - Sara Bareilles

Recently, I watched a video where Sir Elton John joined Sara Bareilles in a live performance of her song "Gravity." In that video, he said he was so excited to perform with her because of how impressed he was with her performance of his infamous song "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road." I have to agree with him when he says that usually when people cover this song, they try and sing it just like him, but when Sara sang it, she truly made it her own. Her live performance features her playing the piano and is coupled with a string section in the background at time. There is so much beauty in the simplicity of her arrangement that truly makes it unique.

Favorite Lyric: "Oh I've finally decided my future lies, beyond the yellow brick road."

"That Girl (Radio Edit)" – NLT

As a fan of the hit TV show "Glee" growing up, Artie was one of my favorite characters. Kevin McHale not only has an amazing voice but during some of their episodes he even got up and danced (only in a dream scenario since his character was in a wheelchair), and he was incredible. This made me dive into some research about Kevin, and I found out that he was previously in a boy band called NLT (Not Like Them). They only have about 3 or 4 songs out, but to be honest they're pretty good. "That Girl" is a true bop if you're driving in the car and want that 2000s pop hits kind of vibe. Plus, if you've got some time, check out the music video! They perform this song to bring some life back into a boring high school dance and I won't spoil the ending for you, but I'll say that dancing and water is involved *insert heart eyes emoji.*

Favorite Lyric: "I aint never met a girl before that came on in and shook up my life"

"Dress and Tie" – Charlene Kaye ft. Darren Criss

An extremely cute song that has the potential to be a fun and casual sounding wedding song. The lyrics make you feel all warm inside and either love your significant other more or start wanting a significant other ASAP. With an easy tempo kept by some drums, a tambourine, and an adorable little ukulele strumming pattern, Charlene and Darren's harmonies just tie the whole song in a beautiful little bow.

Favorite Lyric: "Happiness never held onto me until you helped me see that together we're just better off."

"Corduroy Dreams (Explicit)" – Rex Orange County

With just his voice and an electric guitar, here's another chill, kind of indie sounding love song for you. Rex Orange County has the definition of a "chill" voice and with his lyrical skill, this makes this song and all of his others great ones.

Favorite Lyric: "How can I ignore you? Trust me I adore you. We're swimming through our dreams."

"I'll Make Love To You" – Scary Pockets ft. Charles Jones

I found Scary Pockets on YouTube where they specialize in making funk covers of famous songs and boy are they good at it. If you ever watch one of their videos, just keep an eye out for the neck of their bass player because he really feels the song. Their funk twist on this classic song will undoubtedly make you want more *wink wink.*

Favorite Lyric: "Close your eyes, make a wish, and blow out the candlelight."

"There Goes My Baby (The Voice Performance)" – Stevie Jo

This performance has Usher's (and my) seal of approval. Stevie does a great job transitioning from his normal head voice to falsetto which really displays his expansive vocal range.

Favorite Lyric: "Feel like I'm in a movie baby, I'm like oowee baby oh."

"My Mind" – YEBBA 

Her riffs. Her vocal range. Her emotion. Enough said.

Favorite Lyric: "You can't even look me dead in the eyes. Her love is strong, she got you hypnotized. You say you love me, but I know it's a lie, when I work so hard to keep you satisfied."

"Recovery" - James Arthur

Most famously known for his hit song from the radio, "Say You Won't Let Go," James Arthur put out a self-titled album with some amazing songs as well. What makes this song special is the story and the meaning he conveys. You can just hear the emotion in his voice as he sings about how even though he has faced hate and hardship from both himself and others, he is done being pushed around and he is determined to keep on fighting to better himself.

Favorite Lyric: "I'm a soldier at war. I have broken down walls. I defined, I designed, my recovery."

"Meant To Be (Live)" - Melissa Polinar

I recently got to watch Melissa perform this song live when she was one of the headliners for the variety show during the annual Filipino Americans Coming Together conference held at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She is an amazing singer, songwriter, and guitarist, and I am so sad I didn't discover her music earlier! This song is so beautiful that during her performance of this song, hundreds of people in the audience lit up the venue with their phone flashlights to surround everyone with love and an amazing spectacle of light. This song just makes you want to find your forever love and slow dance for the rest of the night.

Favorite lyric: "Happiness happens when our hearts combine. When it's you I'm with I come alive."

So you have come to the end of the list! Hopefully, you haven't heard any of these yet and are now free to enjoy all of them, hear the reasons why these songs are so amazing, and join the club of wondering why these songs aren't as well recognized or appreciated as they should be. Now get listening!

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