14 Songs To Add To Your Girl Power Playlist
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14 Songs To Add To Your Girl Power Playlist

Who run the world?

14 Songs To Add To Your Girl Power Playlist

Everyone has days where they just don't feel like themselves and could really use a good pick-me-up. Maybe you had a rough day at work, or you're struggling to get through a really difficult class. Maybe you were catcalled, or someone called you a derogatory name. Someone or something made you feel "less than," and this feeling may seem impossible for you to shake off. It can be easy to slip into feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness.

So, for those days when you're feeling a lowered sense of self-esteem, feeling helpless or hopeless, or are going through a tough time, here is a playlist of songs to empower you and remind you just how strong, powerful, important, and capable you are.

1. "None of Your Business," Salt 'n' Pepa

With "None of Your Business," Salt 'n' Pepa provide sexual empowerment for women everywhere while simultaneously reminding everyone that other peoples' sexual lives are simply "none of your business."

"If I wanna take a guy home with me tonight,
It's none of your business!
And if she wanna be a freak and sell it on the weekend,
It's none of your business!"

2. "Who Run the World? (Girls)," Beyoncé

With her ever-relevant lyrics and incredible vocals, Beyoncé provides the powerful message that girls "run the world." So, if you're ever having a rough day, this song is an excellent reminder that you are capable of anything!

"My persuasion can rule a nation,
Endless power, the love we can devour."

3. "Not Your Way," Misterwives

Misterwives' "Not Your Way" is the perfect anthem for any woman who has ever felt objectified, belittled, or hopeless. With their spot-on lyrics, Misterwives reminds women that they have a right to their own bodies and that no one else "[has] a say" in what they do with them.

"Over being told to be undressed to look our best.
Everywhere my eyes go, our figure is less, voice suppressed.
But look how very far we have come--
cast a vote, wear pants and prop up a gun.
No, it's not your way, not your way
Not going to obey, to obey
This is my body, body
And you don't have a say, have a say!"

4. "Sex Yeah," Marina & the Diamonds

In "Sex Yeah," Marina Diamandis describes how drastically different our world would be "if women were religiously recognized sexually," instead of shamed for their sexual activity, being objectified, and held to unattainable expectations.

"If women were religiously recognized sexually,
We wouldn't have to feel the need
To show our assets to feel free."

5. "No Scrubs," TLC

In their classic song, "No Scrubs," TLC all-too-perfectly describes how it feels to be catcalled or street harassed. With their catchy lyrics, TLC reminds its audience that street harassment is any form is neither flattering nor desired by anyone. Instead, they say, it is really a sign of weakness: "I know that he cannot approach me/ Because I'm looking like class and he's looking like trash/ Can't get with a deadbeat a**."

"I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride,
Tryin' to holler at me."

6. "Marry Well," ZZ Ward

ZZ Ward speaks to every independent, hard-working woman who is proud of and content with her own successes. She reminds women that they do not need to "marry well" in order to be successful, and encourages us to: "Go on, girl, give them hell."

"I buy my own diamonds
They don't come with no vows
I'm rocking these stockings
I'm holding it down
See, I was born a hustler
Got it runnin' through my blood
And I tell you the truth is
I wouldn't change it if I could."

7. "The Girl You Lost to Cocaine," Sia

Sia defends women's right to say no in "The Girl You Lost to Cocaine." She reminds her audience that it is okay to walk away from those who are no longer healthy to have in your life.

"No I just don't wanna, so I'm walking away
There is nothing that you can do I will not stay
No I don't need drama, so I'm walking away
Yeah, I am a girl with a lot on her plate."

8. "Cool Slut," Chastity Belt

Chastity Belt speaks to the slut-shaming of women by society for being sexually empowered. They reclaim the word "slut" by calling themselves "cool slut[s]" and reminding their audience that "it's okay to be slutty."

"To all the girls in the world
Trying to take off their shirts,
Ladies, it's okay to be
It's okay to be slutty."

9. "Nasty Girls," HOLYCHILD

In their upbeat song "Nasty Girls," with sarcastically peppy vocals, HOLYCHILD deconstructs societal expectations of women.

"Dye your hair! Tan your skin! Liposuction's really in!
Adderall! Join the fall! Do it to be beautiful!
How you talk, how you move, you know what you have to do."

10. "Unicorns & Rainbows (Boyfriend)," Daddy Issues

In "Unicorns & Rainbows (Boyfriend)," Daddy Issues represents independent women who quite simply "don't need a...boyfriend" to make their lives feel complete.

"I don't need a f*cking boyfriend
I'm not letting you inside
I'm not eating you alive
I'm not sleepin' with you."

11. "Make Them Gold," CHVRCHES

Contrary to societal norms, which encourage everyone to change themselves in order to achieve an impossible standard of perfection, CHVRCHES provides the inspirational message to "take the best parts of ourselves and make them gold."

"We are made up of our mistakes
We are falling but not alone
We will take the best parts of ourselves
And make them gold."

12. "Confident," Demi Lovato

In a society where women are taught to be modest, Demi Lovato begs the question: "What's wrong with being confident?"

"It's time for me to take it
I'm the boss right now
Not gonna fake it
Not when you go down
'Cause this is my game
And you better come to play."

13. "Can't Pin Me Down," Marina & the Diamonds

Marina Diamandis again provides a powerful message to her listeners. Even when society tries to pigeonhole women and hold them to unrealistic standards, it "can't pin [us] down."

"You can paint me any color
I can be your Russian doll
But you ain't got my number
No, you can't make me small
You can paint me any color
And I can be your clown
But you ain't got my number
No, you can't pin me down."

14. "Rise," Selena Gomez

When it seems as though the entire world is against us, as though there is no hope, Selena Gomez encourages us to "rise."

"Like the air, you can
Rise from the rubble with your mind, you can hover
You can rise like the tide, like the heat it in the summer
Yes, I know there are those who will wanna bring you down
But you can rise with your mind and make your higher power proud
You can rise, like the air you can rise."

So, even on the bad days, don't forget:

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