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4 Summer Songs To Add To Your Playlist

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So, I love to share my passion for music by sharing with you what I find interesting as well as moving. Inquisitive question for everyone, what keeps your interest when you first hear a song, the lyrics, or the beat? The beat will always be there to catch me at first, but right after, what are the lyrics what do you have to say on this song and where is the artist coming from.

Ella Mai- Boo’d up

The intro into this song from a beautiful voice shedding her fears speaking her feelings. Boo'd up is a great song to jam to especially to ride to. Diddy DA DUP boo'd up, I absolutely love it. The beat and the lyrics speak to you if you've got yourself a boo rather new or old.

Jay Rock- Kings Dead

Yes, so I had to add this song once again because Kendrick and the TDE gang never cease to amaze me with their music. The beat while Kendrick is speaking our birth year 87 yes baby! And Jay Rock is getting it with his rhymes in King's Dead.

Don Trip Starlito Stir Crazy

Now if you can't relate then you will probably see their music as very controversial. But in their defense for me, I may not agree with some of the things that Don Trip and Starlito spit in their music but I will say that I can respect it which is another discussion. Stir crazy is an eye opener, I mean this world is becoming crazy but first off if you understand the meaning of stir crazy then you will definitely be able to relate to and understand the song. The lyrics though and Litos lyrics specifically of his humbleness and my favorite line is when you don't get your way its Jermaine every time Ima give you what I owe ya pay you no mind, please go listen!

Drake - In My Feelings

Hey Keke do you love me are riding say you never ever leave but the rest comes out in unintelligible sounds seriously. But its Drake's in my feelings is the song that has everyone doing the Shiggy! So @shiggyshow in Instagram is doing his thing and put this song on the map with his video clip of him doing his signature dance do the shiggy. The beat is definitely one to have you dancing and doing the shiggy and as always don't we love what Drake puts out well most of what he puts out right? So add Drake's in my feelings to your dance playlist and do the shiggy!

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