1. "She Way Out" by The 1975 | The Odyssey Online
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Drop What You're Doing And Go Add These 20 Songs To Your Spotify Playlist

I've had these songs on repeat for days and can't get them out of my head.

Drop What You're Doing And Go Add These 20 Songs To Your Spotify Playlist

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If you've been following my work for some time now, you'll know that I love music. I can be in the shower, cruising down the highway, cooking, you name it and there's a guarantee that I'm listening to something. Over the past few days, I've pulled some songs from my playlists that I absolutely love.

I'm dead serious when I say that I've had these songs on repeat.

Looking back at my old posts I realized that all the music I had suggested was very categorized. I only included a certain genre of music to suggest. Let's be real, your favorite playlist probably doesn't follow a pattern or theme at all. I know that mine doesn't. My favorite playlist has everything from classical music and rap to metal and pop. So, I wanted to make a post that included some of my favorite songs from every genre. Maybe you'll find your new favorite in here somewhere!

1. "She Way Out" by The 1975

I'm a really big The 1975 fan and this is one of my favorite songs, especially for summer. I had actually forgotten about this song until I was driving down the highway the other day and this song came on. I couldn't believe I had forgotten about it!

2. "I Found You" by Benny Blanco ft. Calvin Harris

I love songs like this for summer, so expect to see a lot of Calvin Harris in this playlist. Whenever I listen to this, I always picture myself somewhere on a beach with crystal blue waters. Or I picture myself in Las Vegas, don't ask me why I would picture myself there because I have no real idea myself.

3. "Criminals" by No Sleep & XUITCASECITY

This song is super fun for parties and to add something fun to your summer playlist. Special shoutout to my roommate for always helping me find new gems for my Spotify.

4. "Yr Love" by Roosevelt

Fun fact, I actually found this song when I was shopping in Express. I love the vibes from this song, they're almost soothing yet still upbeat. I like driving to this song during sunsets or in the dark.

5. "Thinking About You" by Calvin Harris ft. Ayah Marar

Like I said, expect to see Calvin Harris frequently in this playlist. Obviously this song is older, but it's still one of my favorites to listen to. Gives off a nice summer/vacation vibe.

6. "Blackout" (Amtrac Remix" by Wretch 32 ft. Shakka

As far as I know, this song is only available on Soundcloud and Youtube. The original is available on Spotify but I enjoy the remix more. Maybe you will too?

7. "Never Come Back Again" by Austin Plaine

A cute song for you and your friends are road tripping this summer. Or, you know, if you want to stare out a car window and pretend you're in a music video. Your choice.

8. "Need You Now" by Dean Lewis

Another fun song that I really, really enjoy. Once again another fun road trip song, if you ask me.

9. "Africa" by Toto

I do not care how many people say this song is overused or overrated, I love it. In my opinion, it's a super fund traveling song.

10. "Floral & Fading" by Pierce the Veil

This song always makes me extremely happy for no reason and I can't explain it. Like I said, this post is going to be full of songs from every genre, not just pop and indie.

11. "Sinner" by Trevor Moran

I really enjoy this song a lot. It's badass and edgy and I love it. Personally, I think Trevor's music is super underrated.

12. "Mr. Doctor Man" by Palaye Royale

I am so sorry to those who live near me as I play this song on my guitar at max volume way too often. I will say that this is the band who's music you either love it or you hate it. I'll let you be the judge of that.

13. "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold

I won't lie to you, the real reason that I love this song is because of Synyster Gates guitar solo but the song itself is pretty good too.

14. "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica

The bass solo at the beginning of the song is what makes it an absolutely badass, #RIPCliffBurton.

15. "Wow" by Post Malone

I like to brag and say that I know every word to this song. Is this song overrated? Yes. Is it still a bop? Also yes.

16. "Otherside" by Post Malone

Continuing on the Post Malone train, this song is actually underrated and super good. The clean vocals in this are absolutely amazing.

17. "Do Not Disturb" by Smokepurpp & Murda Beatz ft. Lil Yachty & Offset

I don't listen to rap much anymore, but when I do find a good rap song I listen to it one repeat. I actually found this song through an instagram edit. Also, if you're hoping to see Sicko Mode in this post, I'm sorry to disappoint you.

18. "Every Little Step" by Bobby Brown

I found this song through the movie "Step Up All In". It always surprises my mom when I play this because she never expects me to like music older than i am for some reason.

19. "Small Town Boy" by Dustin Lynch

I'm not a country fan at all, so for me to like a country song is saying something. This one is actually pretty good and I do really enjoy it.

20. "Butterfly Effect" by Travis Scott

While I am not including Sicko Mode in this post, I will include this song. Like I said, I don't listen to rap much anymore so I had to do some digging in my playlist to find this one.

I could have added more songs but if I did then we would have been here for days. If this post is a popular one, then I would love to make a part 2 to this. In the meantime go follow my Spotify for more songs like these.

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