SNL: Alec Baldwin Review
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SNL: Alec Baldwin Review

Tonight's show was brought to you by the letter P. As in Political, Presidental, and Putin.

SNL: Alec Baldwin Review

Back in middle school and a little in high school, I used to be the guy who always watched Saturday Night Live. I'd sit myself on the couch in my basement, have a snack to eat while watching and enjoy it until I passed out as the host would say goodnight and the credits rolled into those weird late night programs. Now, I'll occasionally watch the reruns that air during the day when nothing is on and watch the clips on Facebook as I find them on my news feed. But last night was different. I tuned in for the show. Not because I didn't feel like going out to a bar or party but because I knew that it would be an episode dedicated political satire focusing on our current government. So I ordered Chinese food, turned the television on to NBC, and sat myself on my couch like it was seven to ten years ago to enjoy Mr. Alec Baldwin. So here are basic plots of three of the bigger skits of the night focused on politics. (Spoilers ahead)

When the program started, they started off with another special appearance from Melissa McCarthy who portrayed White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. In it Spicer explains how he is going to remain calm as long as no one gives him a question that will annoy him. Of course this does not happen and the questions asked by the press anger him to the point of ramming people with the podium. Along with this, highlights include a briefing of the President's day gives issues as Spicer is unable to pronounce the leader of central Asia and the topic of discussion resulting in naming his wife Connie, Kate McKinnon debuting as Jeff Sessions, a hit at Ivanka Trump and her clothing line, and of course a giant piece of gum that McCarthy shoves in her mouth to mock Sean Spicer.

Next, a digital short based on Kellyanne Conway. The short basically told a story of Jake Tapper returning to his apartment after filming and Kellyanne showing up trying to persuade him to let her back on the show, with McKinnon portraying Conway, taking her and making her into a psychotic stalker. It ended with Conway throwing a knife close to Tapper and then falling out a window saying she always gets her "Conway." After a clip of her falling, it shows her getting back up and acting like a robot putting parts back in order.

Finally, probably my favorite skit of the night. The skit where Baldwin finally portrays President Trump. In it they mock his tweet: "SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!" This took the court to the people's court, as in Judge Marilyn Milian. With this, the announcer states Trump is going after the judges who stopped his travel ban and allowed bad hombres into the United States. Milian makes a statement asking President Trump if he realizes this is a television court to which he replies "I am a TV President." After this Trump called his character witness. With this, one of his son's stands up but he calls in Putin who then does a secret handshake with death, one of the Trump sons, and then an awkward fist bump with the other. He then goes on about how he thinks Trump is a wonderful person who would do anything for anyone including himself. In the end Trump lost but refuses and says he wants to settle but losing because the verdict was: "The ban is wrong." with the "Up next" title card showing it being Trump versus a manager from Nordstrom.

Before going into my opinion of the night, I must give an honorable mention to the Beyoncé skit featuring a guest appearance from Tracy Morgan with the shade that was thrown at Michelle and Kelly.

Now, after watching this show in its entirety, I must say that it was not as politically based as I thought it would be. In the hour and a half, the show just went after the week's biggest headlines that dealt with politics with a few obscure skits in between and mentions of Donald, Sessions, and an appearance from Senator Warren during the Weekend Update. I was expecting more Trump via Baldwin and was hoping that Rosie would show up since she offered herself but besides that I will say the main skits of the night were definitely the three mentioned above. Think otherwise about Baldwin's 17th time hosting or was there something I forgot? Let me know in the comments down below!

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