1. Neutrogena Oil-Free Pink Grapefruit Acne Face Wash Scrub | The Odyssey Online
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Kick Acne's Booty With These 10 Skin-Care Products

Some products to use when those flare ups are bringing you down.

Kick Acne's Booty With These 10 Skin-Care Products
Bailey Reiser

I have never had extremely bad acne. But, in recent years, I have found that I have more and more blemishes making their way to the surface of my face — even on my chest and back. It is something that I am super self-conscious about, and it is something I have tried to change in numerous ways. I have changed my diet, changed the amount of water I drink, and I have tried a large number of products to try to get my acne flare-ups under control.

I, by no means, have perfect skin now. I'm still a 20-year-old trying to get my skin to cooperate, but here are 10 products that have helped me! From masks to astringents, everything in between that has rescued me whenever my skin is acting crazy.

1. Neutrogena Oil-Free Pink Grapefruit Acne Face Wash Scrub

I have always used this face scrub because it smells amazing and makes my skin feel super clean. I highly recommend this scrub if you do not take your makeup off before the shower. It is gentle enough to use and get off eye makeup — it cleans deep into your pores to pull it all out.

2. Neutrogena Body Clear Body Scrub

I absolutely love this product as well. I have really struggled with acne being present on my chest, shoulder, and back area. I was searching really hard for a solution, and I decided that since I love the grapefruit scrub so much that I was going to try this body scrub in the grapefruit scent, too. It does help me out with toning the acne down on my back and other problem areas.

3. Clean and Clear Deep Action Exfoliating Scrub

This scrub is the bomb diggity! I use it in the shower while I am conditioning my hair to leave it on and really FEEL the tingle. It is so nice to feel the product working. It also doesn't have an overbearing chemical smell which is really nice to experience.

4. Clean and Clear Dual Action Oil Free Moisturizer

This is the moisturizer that I use daily. I like it a lot because it is oil-free and doesn't make my skin oilier than it already gets. It also is a product that I can feel working on my skin, which already means I like it a ton.

5. Muddy Body Detox Clay Mask

I adore this mask and use it at least twice a week because of how amazing it makes my skin feel. The first time I ordered it, I had been breaking out extremely badly and was looking for some form of relief. I used the mask for three nights in a row. Then, took two days off and used it for three more days. It was the clearest I had seen my skin in months! I swear by it.

6. Muddy Body Refresh Clay Mask

This is another Muddy Body mask that genuinely helped me. After the success of the detox mask for me, I decided to take a look at the other products this all-natural company had to offer. I had some acne scarring from the blemishes I had before, and this mask worked to diminish them as well as working to minimize my pores. Such an amazing product!

7. Muddy Body Relax Clay Mask

My other favorite product from Muddy Body is this mask, which is so nice and really works to even out my skin. It makes me feel rebalanced. My skin feels like brand new once it is washed off. I highly recommend this entire collection of masks because of how natural they are and beautiful they will make you feel.

8. Biore Charcoal Acne Cleanser

Here is another product that you can really FEEL working on your face! I don't use this product as much as I used to because my skin has shifted from being super oily to combination, but it really soaks up the oil if you have oily skin, which is a blessing.

9. Neutrogena Clear Pore Oil-Eliminating Astringent

This is a product I use right before bed every night and right when I get up in the morning. It refreshes my face for the day while it cleans my skin for bed. It gets super deep into pores and pulls out all the dirt that is in and on your face.

10. T.N. Dickenson's Witch Hazel

I am all for natural products. Witch Hazel is one that I swear by. I love the way it refreshes my face and pulls out all the toxins that are hard to get to. It is 100% natural and genuinely is wonderful for your skin.

I hope that if you are reading this that you see some products that interest you. I am truly still finding my way through my skincare journey, but I am finding it. I find these products to help ME! Remember that everyone's skin isn't the same. It's all trial and error, and I wish you the best on your personal skincare journey. Drink lots of water and be patient! You'll get there and be flawless AF in no time.

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