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20 Reasons Why 'Joe' From Netflix's 'YOU' Is Totally Romantic, Despite His Flaws

He cares TOO much.

20 Reasons Why 'Joe' From Netflix's 'YOU' Is Totally Romantic, Despite His Flaws

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As Hannah Montana once said, "Nobody's perfect."

1. He's Observant

The way he noticed Beck's bracelets, the books she read, her apologetic voice, and more shows how into her he was from the second he saw her. Women love observant men.

2. He's Determined

He was so determined to see Beck again after their encounter in the bookstore that he followed her until their next encounter at the subway station. Determination is key!

3. He's Strong

Mentally and physically. How mentally strong can a man be if he can carry on living his life after murdering people? And he had to dispose of the bodies one way or another.

4. He's Loving

Despite his creepy characteristics, he shows that he has endless amounts of love to give to Beck. He dreams of loving and cherishing her.

5. He's caring

From Beck to Paco, Joe acts as protective blanket over the people he cares about. From taking Paco under his wing and letting him stay with him, to feeding him his meatball sub. Joe cares for Paco more than anyone else and women love a man who can care for a child more than himself.

6. He Listens

Upon finding the information about Beck from Google, he still listened intently when she decided to tell him about her life- from her dad's disappearance to her troubled childhood. He listened to the information that he already knew.

7. He's Genuine

He had good intentions from the vert beginning. He wanted Beck to himself. He wanted to protect her from other men, terrible friends, and bad opportunities. He wanted what he thought was best for Beck.

8. He has an eye for things not everyone can see

He spotted Beck's fake and toxic friends before she could. He saw that Benji was bad for Beck and that Peach was a liar with no intention of helping her career launch. This eye for detail lead to his good intentions. He just wanted to be better than everyone else who had walked into Beck's life.

9. He's genuinely interested in her life

Despite him breaking into Beck's apartment to get a better look into her life, he was truly interested in her as a person. The things that she does, the things she writes, the food she eats. Joe wanted to know everything about her.

10. He's supportive

Arguably he is the only supportive person Beck has in her life. He went to her poetry slams, pushed her to write a book, and supported her through whatever she endured.

11. He's a savior

He literally saved Beck's life the night that she fell onto the subway tracks.

12. He's reassuring

He is constantly telling Beck how beautiful, amazing, and talented she is. [almost] every woman loves a man who can reassure her how great she is [even if she already knows it]

13. He's a problem solver

He clearly knows how to tackle and solve a problem when presented with one. He's quick to help Paco when his parents are too drunk to care for him. He is quick to develop a plan when holding Benji captive. And he's quick to makeup a lie when caught in a sticky situation.

14. He's kind

He helped an elderly woman while stalking Beck one evening, he helps Paco in need, and even plays nice with people he isn't fond of.

15. He's affectionate

Joe pours out his love to Beck through physical affection. From sex to hugs and sweet kisses. Women of all types love some sort of affection from their partners. His affection for Beck is enough to make any woman swoon.

16. He's understanding

He understands Beck and her needs. He understands that she has standards and goals in life. He also understands that sometimes she can't be with him to accomplish the things she wants to in life.

17. He's hopeful

He has high hopes that his relationship with Beck will work out exactly how he wants it to in his head. He is hopeful that once everyone bad for Beck is out of her life that their relationship will flourish. Even after their first breakup, Joe remains hopeful that Beck will come running back to him.

18. He's committed

Despite it being 2019 where commitment isn't the primary trait men have, Joe had it. He was devoted to Beck and only her. He remained loyal to her throughout the entirety of their relationship.

19. He's thoughtful

With small gestures from flowers to surprise food visits, Joe was thoughtful in everything he did. He never did something for Beck without thinking it through first. Women love a man who puts thought into dates and adventures. His thoughtfulness made him unique and different from other men like Benji.

20. He's appreciative

From the smallest things like Beck returning his phone call to Beck rearranging her days for him- he appreciated the things that Beck did for him. Though the things she did didn't compare to all Joe did.

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