Why You Should Adopt A Rescue Dog
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Save The Money On Purebreds And Save A Rescue Dog

Rather than adopting an animal from an expensive pet store, save the ones that are truly in need.

Save The Money On Purebreds And Save A Rescue Dog
Shelby Arnett

My entire life, among others, has been filled with animals. More specifically, it has been filled with dogs. Dogs provide a different kind of comfort and love to a family. They are the most loyal animals you could possibly imagine and always want your attention (or your food). Not to mention, their soft fur and adorable faces will always make up for the chewed up shoes you find in the closet during their time as puppies. My parents bought our first puppy, Casey, when my sister and I were only 6 years old, and we were immediately attached. Our 10 years of life with her were nothing short of exciting. When our time together came to an end, it was incredibly hard to move forward. However, as days passed, we reflected on our experiences and even come to some realizations.

Dogs, just like any other pet, are family. But why are they so expensive?

My family members and I can say without a doubt that the amount of money we spent on Casey was well worth it. What we did not realize, however, is that there are other forms of adoption that are oftentimes overlooked. Companies such as GRRAND and the Humane Society primarily work with dogs who have been rescued from dangerous and abusive families or situations. These dogs are the ones who are in dire need of a home, even more so than animals being housed in pet stores. Rescue dogs have suffered from verbal or physical abuse, are abandoned, and are sometimes even used as bait in dog fights for money. It is heartbreaking to see the effects that these animals suffer from, physically and internally. It is inhumane and shameful.

The treatment that these animals receive is unacceptable and we must do something about it.

My parents decided that the next time we add a four-legged member to our family, we would do things right and adopt a rescue dog. Not only is the cost of adoption less expensive than a normal in-store adoption, but the reward is so much more beneficial. These dogs need love and safety that they did not originally receive as young ones, and we can give that to them.

In the spring of 2017, we adopted a 3-year-old golden retriever mix from GRRAND who had been left outside after his abusive owner abandoned him. Terrified and emaciated, this sweet golden became ours, and our lives have been changed since. Initially named Simba due to his similar fur coat, our new dog would not leave our living room couch during his first few days. After spending the majority of his life lying in the rocks and mud, the fluffy pillows that lined the cushions became his favorite place to sleep...up until he discovered the bedrooms.

My father decided to rename our dog Jackson, which he caught on to quickly. His original fear of the outdoors faded as we took daily walks in the spring air. Jackson's previous owner, an older man, instilled within him a deep fear of men. However, the kindness of my dad combined with the regular distribution of dog treats soon began to win him over. We got to watch as our rescue dog transformed into a friendly and outgoing best friend of ours.

We are lucky enough to be an example of changing the life of an abused animal.

Today, Jackson happily barks and wags his tail at anyone who walks through the door, male or female. He accepts all pats on the head, pets, kisses, and hugs because he knows he will never get hurt again. He constantly goes on hikes with my mom through the wooded trails of the neighborhood and genuinely enjoys being outside. Crucial parts of Jackson's life were taken away from him as a puppy, so it was our responsibility to make sure he was able to run and play as he deserves. He is now the happiest and most loving dog I have ever had. He is my best friend.

If you are given the chance to rescue a dog, or any animal, take that chance.

Jackson is only one of the hundreds of dogs experiencing animal abuse. We were able to give him a better life because of one decision. Adopting a rescue enables you to save a dog in danger. Not only does this restore faith in humanity, but it also restores a dog's faith in humans themselves. Our dogs think of us as superheroes for saving their lives, and they will thank you with as many puppy kisses as possible. To us, we think of it as no big deal, but to them, we made a choice that would give them the happiness they deserve. Unknown to our family at the time, that one choice would change our lives and our new furry friend's life forever. Save a life and adopt a rescue.

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