In every culture, there are the basic dos and don't's that everyone knows to abide by, and anyone who plans to live there will eventually learn. In the south, we love sports, food, and Jesus, so many of our rules tend to revolve around those three things, especially since they are all taken very seriously.
While younger southerners do sometimes tend to differ from our grandparents who are more old-school southerners, we can all definitely agree on most, if not all, of these 15 life rules.
Tea is always iced and ALWAYS sweet.
We always say "Yes sir" and "Yes ma'am" and it makes us extremely uncomfortable if you tell us not to.
Okra and green tomatoes are always fried.
If you're in any southern state, it's a buggy, not a shopping cart.
It's also "soda" or "coke" never "pop."
We know that not all southern accents are the same, and you know you're a true southerner when you can tell the difference.
Always respect your elders.
Barbecues are acceptable year-round.

We LOVE front porches, but wrap around porches are holy-grail of porches.
Sassy southern women are a force to be reckond with.
You only need one or two heavy coats since it will rarely get cold enough for you to actually use them.
But you can never own to many nike shorts for the many warm days throughout the year.

It is totally acceptable and pretty much expected for you to care more about college football rather than proffessional.
Also, if you aren't rooting for an SEC team, what are you even doing?
If there is one thing that all southerners can bond over, it's the fact that we're southerns.
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