Later this year yet another Star Wars movie will be released, and some fans freaked out in a negative way.
A trailer for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" was released on April 7 with a female lead played by Felicity Jones. Her character, Jyn Erso, seems to be the main protagonist of the movie, just how Daisy Ridley's character Rey was in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" was as well.
In such progressive time in the world, where feminists are coming out strong and voices sing for equality every day, one might think that people would be more supportive of the fact that there are finally more female leads taking control. No longer do women need to only play the role of damsel in distress.
However, some Twitter users spoke their anger in less than 140 characters, just to show disdain for "another female lead."
It's just now, it's their time to shine.
Of course, not everyone is upset by the casting and story line. Many people have expressed their excitement to having a female character--as long as it's an amazing movie!
Most thought it was hilarious that so many people were actually upset.
Of course, some were indifferent, but mainly, because they are children who do not care whether it is about a female or male hero. They have yet to learn that sometimes society is full of backwards thinking.
Regardless of the negativity surrounding the very few who are upset about a strong, independent woman leading such a popular franchise, so many more people are excited to just see that the story looks promising.
Female lead or not, Lucasfilms Ltd. are moving in a great direction with their choices in characters and stories, and fans are only continuing to hope for the best regardless of the gender of any of the characters.
On that note, something to think about is even Kylo Ren proves that it doesn't matter whether one is male or female, anyone can throw a hissy fit anyway.