What is the next big mystery to solve in season three? | The Odyssey Online
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10 Questions Fans Have for Season 3 Of 'Riverdale'

After the dramatic season two finale, here are ten questions all Riverdale fans want answered in season three.

10 Questions Fans Have for Season 3 Of 'Riverdale'

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"Riverdale" is one of the most popular shows right now. Its melodramatic, mysterious vibe is addictive and binge-worthy. Once you start watching, you'll be addicted. It was recently announced that season three will be debuting in October of this year. After the dramatic season two finale, here are ten questions all Riverdale fans want answered in season three:

How is Archie going to get out of jail?

Perhaps the most obvious question is also the most complex. It is clear that Hiram convinced the sheriff he is in cahoots with to wrongfully arrest Archie for the murder of one of the men who broke into Veronica's lake house during their weekend away together. Archie heard Andre fire a gunshot that night and apparently that ended up killing this man that Archie has now been accused of killing.

However, with Andre dead, no other witnesses to the killing, Veronica being on the outs with her father, and Hiram running everything in Riverdale (including the sheriff's office and the mayor's office), getting Archie out of this mess will be the biggest challenge yet. An entire season with a main character behind bars does seem rather unlikely though and hopefully, former Riverdale mayor turned lawyer Sierra McCoy will help Archie out of this mess.

Is Chic dead or alive?

Oh Chic, the creepy, imposter long lost brother to Betty was turned over to the black hood by Betty in season two. However, it is never confirmed that he is dead and when Hal reveals himself as the black hood, he does not confess to murdering Chic. The man from the morgue hasn't called Betty's mom yet either to let her know about his dead body like he usually does. Chic could still be alive and that could be a huge problem for Betty and her friends if he comes back looking for revenge in season three. It could also be an issue if he wants to accuse Betty and Alice for covering up his murder (or maybe even frame them for it). After all, he reminded Betty that he never touched the body.

Will FP and Alice finally get together?

After it was revealed that the son Alice gave up for adoption in high school is actually FP's and not Hal's, it is clear that Alice and FP have a deeper history than was previously known. It is clear that the two still care for each other: Alice picked FP up from jail, FP helped get rid of the man Chic murdered, FP and the Serpents helped the girlfriend of Chic's murder victim get out of town when she came around threatening to blackmail them, etc. With Hal probably spending the rest of his life in jail, will Alice and FP finally become a couple? What will that mean for Jughead and Betty? Will Alice rejoin the Serpents?

What is the next big mystery to solve in season three?

"Riverdale" is a mystery show at its core. Season one revolved around finding Jason Blossom's killer, while season two was all about finding out who the black hood was. The mystery for season three seems unclear. However, there could be another black hood to be found perhaps, or maybe the season will revolve around taking down the ultimate villain: Hiram Lodge.

Are Jughead, FP, and the Serpents in danger?

After Penny Peabody and the Ghoulies' failed attempted murder on Jughead, are he and the rest of the Southside Serpents still in danger? It is clear that Hiram wanted Jughead out of the picture, so will he try to hurt him and the Serpents again in season three?​

What REALLY happened in the barn the night Clifford died?

When Cheryl was threatening her mother after the fire, she threatens to tell everyone what really happened in the barn the night Clifford died of an apparent suicide. Is there still more to this story? Did Clifford really take his own life, did Cheryl's mom force him into it, or did Penelope kill him herself and make it look like a suicide? This secret hasn't gotten out yet, but maybe it could be one of the keys to breaking down Hiram Lodge's group of criminal associates, including Penelope and Clifford's twin brother Claudius.

Speaking of Claudius, what is really going on with him?

One of the biggest surprises of season two was the surprise arrival of Clifford's long lost brother Claudius. He and Penelope look like they've known each other much longer though when Cheryl overhears them talking. What is concerning is that they wanted to get rid of Cheryl and Nana Rose but failed. Could they be in danger in season three?

Also, Claudius said that he wanted to get revenge on the Lodge family, yet it is revealed that he and Penelope appear to be in Hiram's group of criminal associates. What is up with that? Also, with some mystery still surrounding Clifford's death, could Claudius actually be Clifford or he be involved in his death? That may be far-fetched, but anything is possible in Riverdale.

Where was Ethel Muggs after the musical? Did she write the notes demanding that the role of Carrie be recast?

After Jughead found magazines with letters cut out of the headlines in the trash can in Ethel's dressing room, it sure looked like she was behind the demanding notes with pasted letters on them supposedly from the black hood to recast the role of Carrie. She denied it to Jughead and to the police, but was not seen after her interrogation at the station. She and Archie were the only ones left running for student body president yet she was no where to be found. This seems suspicious....

Is Polly hiding something?

Once Chic and Hal are gone, Polly returns and offers to have someone from the mysterious "farm" come and help her mom heal​. When Alice agrees, Polly has a chilling look on her face. This whole thing with Polly and the supposed "farm" (which sounds a whole lot like a cult) is still very suspicious. Polly may be bringing this person in from the "farm" to maybe get revenge on Alice if Polly is still mad about how she sent her aways to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. No matter what happens with this person from the mysterious "farm," it will be very interesting in season three.

What will Veronica and her mom do now?

After Small Fry came to avenge his father Papa Poutine's death by attempting to murder Veronica and Hermione in their home, both mother and daughter seemed to be fed up with Hiram putting them in danger. After Veronica made a deal with her father involving him essentially cutting her off, what is she going to do? She owns Pop's diner now at least but her frayed relationship with her father could be a huge problem. As for Hermione, she won the election and is supposed to use the mayor's office to ensure that Hiram's shady plans for the Southside go through. Will she stand by her man or will she do all things legally as mayor?

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