I Was Cyber-Bullied For Buying My Dog Instead Of Adopting
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I Was Cyber-Bullied For Buying My Dog Instead Of Adopting

Sending death threats to someone you've never met about their dog is completely disgusting.

I Was Cyber-Bullied For Buying My Dog Instead Of Adopting

It was just a few months ago that I published my first Odyssey article about choosing to purchase my dog instead of adopting. The article was titled, I Bought My Dog Instead of Adopting, Sorry Not Sorry. If you are reading this and are unfamiliar with the previous article, please feel free to stop and read it now before continuing.

Before I dive into the explanations that I believe I don't owe anyone, I'd like to make it known that this is not an article whining about the comments people made. I'm an adult, and whether or not those others in this world choose to act their age does not affect me. I made the decision to purchase a puppy, and I am sorry that many of you feel the need to comment and share the previous article with hateful words and thoughts.

I understand we are all granted freedom of speech, but those comments and remarks are prime examples of an increasingly important issue: cyber-bullying.

First, I want to make it known that my silver lab is in fact not a product of a Weimaraner mix. His pedigree shows no Weimaraner, only Labrador Retrievers. He is not a "designer mutt," or part of a breed that "is not existent." This argument has ensued for years upon years, and there will most likely never be a conclusion. I am sorry that some of you can not accept that my pup is an AKC registered Labrador Retriever, but animal lovers are supposed to be lovers of all animals, so let's stop throwing so much hatred towards an innocent dog.

The second thing I'd like to address is the opinions people expressed regarding me as a person. I am not some preppy sorority girl that bought a dog because of his pretty eyes. I own a dog because I am a dog lover; I do not do anything in this life to impress other people nor gain their approval. We live in a country that allows us all to be different, to be who we are, so why would I waste my time trying to be like others instead of marching to the beat of my own drum?

I loved some of the comments I read about myself on the official Odyssey page (sarcasm completely intended). I'm not a "stuck up bitch," and most importantly the death threats towards someone you couldn't pick out of a lineup were completely disgusting.

The arguments about my choice to buy versus adopt make me out to be a monster. Let's get a few things straight:

1.The litter was already born when I found out about it, I did not reserve a dog, "encouraging a breeder to breed."

2. I have had animals my entire life. I have never heard people go this crazy over someone else buying horses, or over people breeding birds and rodents. You certainly don't see me bitching about breeding snakes that are already in abundance because, believe me, I'm not a fan.

3. If I wouldn't have bought an already born puppy with no home, what would have happened to him? I gave him a home.

Lastly, the title of the previous article happened to be one of the many things that was picked apart in the oh so loving comments. If you have never written for something like the Odyssey, then you are unaware that we have 2 editors. Every now and then, our editors choose to change things for us before it is submitted and published. The title I chose was not the one published. I'm not throwing my editors under the bus by any means, but yes I do see where the title makes me look like "a pretentious rich bitch" as someone put it.

I think my favorite comments were a few that were in defense of buying dogs, but also put a new spin on the thoughts. A few people decided to ask those that were hating, to compare this issue of breeding and adopting to that of children.

There are children all over the world that are homeless, living in orphanages, waiting for new families, or not even loved by the "parents" they know. So are you going to tell your friends that are expecting their first child that there is "a special place in hell" for them? Are you going to put them on blast on Facebook and Instagram for not adopting?

I think that's something to sit back and think on; threatening my life over the purchase of a dog is at the bottom of the list of things that need resolving in the insane world we live in.

We happen to live in a society where people take to social media to prove their points and express their freedom of speech. However, we also live in a society where technology ruins people because of how they are talked to and talked about. I don't care what people that don't know me think of me, you're entitled to your opinion.

But next time, before you talk about how much of a bitch a stranger is, criticize someone you have never met, or send that death threat because they purchased a dog, think about it.

Think about the kids you see on the news who have taken their lives because of the bullying they received over social media.

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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