25 New Years Resolutions For College Students
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25 New Years Resolutions For College Students

A new year means a new you.

25 New Years Resolutions For College Students

A new year may mean a new you, but in order for that to happen, you have to set some goals or resolutions. It has become common that people make outrageous resolutions, and then, by the end of the first week, go back to their normal lives. Resolutions -- the idea is there to help guide you to your goal you want to reach that year. That's why you should make something you know you can physically do. Thankfully, college is the perfect time to work toward improvement. Not sure what I mean? Try raising that GPA (if it is low) or try planning your weeks out. If you are not sure what to choose for your New Year's resolutions, here are 25 ideas you're sure to love:

1. Meet with your professors more.

Meeting with a professor can seem scary or just a waste of time. From personal experience, the professors that I talk to during their office hours are the classes I make better grades in and have better success on a test. Don't understand the material, have a question for an upcoming test? That what their office hours are for.

2.Go on a social media cleanse.

This has become something everyone recommended to me as finals or a big test approached. I took the advice and deleted all my social media apps from my phone and laptop. It helped me focus, and I found myself unable to take the time to reinstall the app and log in, so I had more time to study. I was less distracted as well, which was a plus, and I slept better at night.

3. Stop going out so much.

Going out on the town with some friends always seems fun, but it leads to unnecessary spending. The more I found myself going out, the more I found that I studied less and procrastinated more. I started only rewarding myself with going out once I was all caught up for the week.

4. Learn a new study technique.

Even if you study on a regular basis, after some quick research, I learned I was studying completely wrong! I changed my style and suddenly my Cs became A's!

5. Join a new club or be more active in one.

Many students are not as active as they should be on campus. Joining a club or being more active in one opens so many possibilities, such as making new friends, chances to go on trips and having a lot of fun.

6. Find my note-taking style.

Crazy idea right, what could possibly be wrong with how my notes are being taken now? Well, a lot actually reflects off your test grades. Maybe a bag of highlighters and colored pens aren't for you, but there are plenty of tutories and even just examples all in one Google search.

7. Organize my dorm room.

Even if your room is an organized mess, studies and personal experience have proven that cleaning (and everything having a place) will increase productivity and decrease stress.

8. Become better friends with your roommate.

it is hard living with a stranger but by the second semester, you both should at least be a strong acquaintance. They may not be your best friend, but it is always a good thing to become better friends.

9. Get to know your neighbors.

Sometimes they can be loud the walls are paper thin after all, but they can also be the greatest people ever. My neighbors and I are always in each other's rooms; they have a can opener we have the board games. I've been blessed with amazing neighbors, and you never know until you get to know them.

10. Volunteer.

Not only are you helping the community you feel better about yourself. There is just something about being able to help others that makes me so happy. I try to help out when and where I can.

11. Learn a new recipe.

The food on campus doesn't always taste as great, it gets gross at times, or it can even just get old. Call up mom and get that casserole recipe! Not only is cooking for yourself healthier it can also help fill that mini fridge up with a late night snack!

12. Cut back on Netflix.

The all mighty Netflix might be your problem with being sleepy the next day in your 9 a.m. We are all guilty of staying up until 3 a.m. to watch an amazing show only to regret it in the morning. Set a time limit and stick to it.

13. Try getting ahead in at least one class.

There is nothing worse than getting behind suddenly your drowning in homework with no free time. The best way to prevent that is to try and stay ahead -- even it is just the reads a little is better than nothing.

14. Drink only water for a whole week.

This isn't possible for everyone but if you can I recommend it. I really enjoy spending time with my friends and having that sense of freedom living away from home offers. But I get homesick, and I find myself calling my mom every day.

18. Avoid eating out as much.

Money makes the world go round, especially if you're a broke college student. McDonald's looks a lot better than Ramen, but it is also more expensive and leads to unnecessary calories. Eating on campus not only saves you money but it may also save a few pounds.

19. Turn in work before five minutes until it's due.

Turning work in early is an accomplishment for any college student, but try to break that habit. It only adds stress and work end up being half down or not the greatest.

20. Make a sleep schedule and stick with it.

College life moves fast and it can be hard to balance work, homework, Netflix and sleep. It is easier if you set a time everything is turned off, you lay down and fall asleep.

21. Try out an exercising routine.

As crazy as it sounds adding one more thing to a busy schedule seems impossible, right? Well, I've recently started running and have noticed that I have more energy am more focused in class.

22. Try something new and step out of your comfort zone.

We always seem to fall into a routine and stay there. By stepping out of my comfort zone, I have found so many things that I love to do and eat.

23. Make your bed every morning.

A clean room leads to better motivation and higher productivity; this can be accomplished by simply making your bed before going to class.

24. Find a study spot.

No matter where you go to college, there is always the library, computer lab or even the pond. Find your go-to spot where you can just block the world out and focus. I guarantee that studying will be smoother.

25. Make a friend in every class.

Everyone always tells me this when I ask for advice. It is true: try and make a friend in every class. It is good if you miss class and need the notes -- or if a test is coming up, you both can meet up and study.

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