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10 Reasons Chicago Is The Best City In The World

If you're planning any trip, Chicago needs to be at the top of your list.

10 Reasons Chicago Is The Best City In The World
Zeeshan Bakhrani

Chicago is breathtaking. Every person needs to experience this glorious city. Here are ten reasons why, too:


Zeeshan Bakhrani

Let's be honest, Chicago's skyline is breathtaking, and there's no doubt about it. Chicago is known for one of the world's best skylines. It is filled with large, high-profile buildings that are all built with significant purposes.

Navy Pier

Zaina Quadri

It is a place that never fails to put a smile on kids' faces. Chicago's famous Navy Pier is a pier on the coast of Lake Michigan. It is filled with shopping stores, free events, and dining restaurants year-round.


Heera Imran

Chicago faced a wildfire that destroyed the entire city, yet it managed to rebuild and thrive as one of the top five cities in America. Today, Chicago is known for The Willis Tower, the second largest building in the Western Hemisphere. Not only is there a Willis Tower, but also the John Hancock Center, Chicago Board of Trade Building, Marina City, and Tribune Tower. The growth of endless buildings allows Chicago to prosper after its tragic fire.

Magnificent Mile


What better is it than to shop with two-story shopping stores and a windy street filled with people and laughter? Magnificent Mile is home to the luxury shops, outlets, restaurants, and hotels in the heart of Chicago. There are two to three-story shops that are filled with clothes and accessories that people love to buy.

The Bean

Heera Imran

Chicago isn't Chicago without its famous bean. You can't say you've bean to Chicago without exploring the famous bean. The Bean, also known as Cloud Gate, is a well-known architecture of Chicago where ice rinks are placed during the winter and festivals are placed during the summer.

The Weather

Maham Godil

Chicago has the best long, hot summers along with the snowy, cold winters. What more can you get if you can get two-in-one? We all know Chicago is best-known for its crazy snow storms, but have you ever been to Chicago in the summer? The summers in Chicago are filled with every day sunny days and the best summer breezes!

Best Food

Maham Godil

Chicago is known for its famous stuffed deep dish pizza at Giordano's. Also, how can you go to Chicago without going to Portos? Portos is the best Portuguese style chicken you'll ever eat, and there's no doubt about it! Lastly, you definitely want a dessert place, too, and let me just say it, Bombo Bar is the one to go to. Bombo Bar is filled with the hottest coffees, coldest frappuccinos, and the best-stuffed donuts you'll ever have.

Lake Michigan

Sami Noor

What's better than a gorgeous beach with lively laughter and people to walk and bike around the trails for early morning runs? Chicago's Lake Michigan has clear blue water and people at the beach at all times. It is the best place to go to on warm days to run, relax, and enjoy a hot summer day.


Mrs. Stoddart

The basketball Bulls team may not be the best, but the Cubs always please the people with their World Series win. Chicago Cubs won the world series in 2016. The one and only Michael Jordan was on the Chicago Bulls and lead six championships for the city.

The People

Ayaan Godil

Chicagoans are the most courteous, frank, witty and lively people you'll ever encounter yourself with. If you are lost in the city, Chicagoans are always willing to give a hand and help out at all times. You will definitely meet some of the most courteous people you will ever know. Don't hesitate to ask for help!

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