11. The punishments. | The Odyssey Online
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17 Reasons To Add Impractical Jokers To Your Watchlist

Trust me it's one of the funniest shows on TV.

YouTube TruTV

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Anytime I need a laugh I know I can turn to the comedy genius that is Q, Murr, Sal, and Joe and will be laughing very quickly. Impractical Jokers has been one of my favorite shows for seven years now, but it still saddens me when people haven't heard of it. Every episode is guaranteed to please, if you don't believe me, here are my 17 reasons you need to watch this show.

1. First and foremost, they are HILARIOUS. 

They're four lifelong friends who compete to embarrass each other each episode; what more could you want?

2. You can binge it on Netflix.

Right now it's only the first season, but hopefully, there will be more soon.

3. It’s A-L-W-A-Y-S on. 

I promise you, you'll always have episodes to watch. Whenever I don't have anything to watch I turn on TruTV and 9 times out of 10 there are Impractical Jokers reruns on.

4. Larry

If you know, you know.

5. My middle school science teacher is featured.

When the guys go to Six Flags in Season 1 Episode 2, Murr asks one man for help naming a new ride, and yep that man taught me seventh-grade science.

6. They’re friendship goals.

The four guys have known each other since high school and it shows.

7. Sal’s sacredness.

Everyone's favorite scaredy-cat…except he's also scared of cats. (If I had to pick I think Sal is my favorite joker.)

8. Joe's love of food. 

It has given us the belly and the punch line to many jokes.

9. Murr's bald. 

I mean there's only so much I can say about Murr.

10. Q’s single cat man vibes. 

He really loves his cat.

11. The punishments. 

These might be the funniest part of the show and the perfect incentive to watch the whole episode. My personal favorite was when Q was tied to a mime for a day or when sal had to help give birth to a baby cow.

12. The looks on people’s face. 

It's a hidden camera show, so people's genuine reactions are hilarious.

13. Joey Fatone. 

A big fan and now a regular guest star and host of the after show.

14. Inside the Jokes. 

Most of the rerun TruTv airs are actually episodes of Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes. They're the same episodes but with little pop-up facts which tend to make the show even funnier.

15. Impractical Insider

In the later seasons, every episode takes a look behind the scenes at that episode's punishment and it's pretty entertaining. Not to mention it's hosted by IJ crew member Casey Jost, brother of SNL's Colin Jost.

16. The absolute craziness that comes out of their mouth. 

I don't know why after seven seasons I'm still shocked by the things they're willing to do and say to win a challenge.

17. Q’s Hair

That is all.

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