All you do is memorize dates | The Odyssey Online
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What Does It REALLY Mean To Be A History Major?

Nothing is more relaxing to me than being able to study alone my history major friends and argue about whether we consider Napoleon to be average height or small... BTW he's average height

What Does It REALLY Mean To Be A History Major?

There are definitely benefits of being a history major, yet there are times where I question why did I choose a major that allows every high school to say to me "History is dumb" 😒

No. I don't know what happened on April 30, 1562


Yes, we know history and we know it well. But we aren't that good. We are wizards that live forever and have suffered through every age of history or we don't sit in our bedrooms in the dark wondering what happened to the world on this specific date...Btw if you were wondering on April 30th, 1562 the first French colonist inhabited Florida 💁♀️

Giving me a random date does not help me


Just giving me a random date does not help me help you. A LOT OF THINGS HAPPEN ON ONE SPECIFIC DATE! Just because you say to me oh February 22, 1980. Many different things happened that day. Do you want to know about how Afghanistan declares martial law or how Aleksandr Tikhonov from the Soviet Union earns 4 gold medals in the winter Olympics? TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT?!

Can you help me study?


I wouldn't have an issue with helping people to study. I love doing it. Yet, you need to constantly study dates, times, people, events and much more. That is a lot to do in one study lesson.

All you do is memorize dates


I have been told many times that history is the easiest thing to learn. All you do is memorize dates and people. You seeeee it is a little bit more than that. See we document everything for our future and our future's future. That our knowledge is never lost. Or past even. If we were to just get rid of the desire of people wanting to become historians then nothing would be properly documented for our future. ALSO, you not only have to document what the date is ha ha ha. No. Oh no. There is much more. You need to document what happened, who was involved, why were they involved, where were they, when was this event taken place, what were the precursors leading up to this event, what was the aftermath of the event, was there any long term affects, how many people died because of this event, was there anything important, and finally you have to publish this for the people around so they can understand what happened.

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