37. A group of goats is called a trip. | The Odyssey Online
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50 'Real Facts' From Snapple You Found Out When You Were Today Years Old

28. The cotton candy machine was invented in 1897... by a dentist.

50 'Real Facts' From Snapple You Found Out When You Were Today Years Old

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To be honest with you, I don't drink Snapple, but I do enjoy their fun facts! Who doesn't enjoy fun, trivial facts?! All of which you can find right here!

Here are fifty of them that I found by using the random fact generator. Bring on the trivia!

1. Dolphins are unable to smell


They don't have nostrils so that makes sense.

2. Bees are born fully grown


That's good to know...

3. Peaches are members of the almond family


Also, the term "you're such a peach" came from giving peaches to your loved ones as gifts.

4. Mangoes can get sunburned


They also have noses...

5. The first spam message was transmitted over telegraph wires in 1864.


Wow.. there was spam even back then?! That's crazy.

6. The King of Hearts is the only king without a mustache.


How have I never noticed that?!

7. Plants, like humans, can run a fever if they are sick


So if plants can get sick like humans, I guess those who talk to their plants aren't that crazy, just as long as they don't talk back.

8. It took Leonardo da Vinci 12 years just to paint the lips of the Mona Lisa


Don't worry Leo, it takes me forever to draw mouths too.

9. There are more chickens than people in the world


That's kind of scary. Chickens are kind of scary. I mean, they are the closest relatives to dinosaurs.

10. There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar


A math fact that I will probably never use... just like Algebra.

11. A sneeze travels out of your mouth at over 100 miles an hour


This actually makes a lot of sense...

12. A hummingbird's heart beats 1,400 times a minute.


I guess their heart has to keep up with their wings.

13. Fish cough.


Does that mean they can get sick?

14. The common garden worm has five pairs of hearts


So worms... are Time Lords, times 5!

15. Your big toe only has two bones and the rest have three


Why is it bigger than? Big bones I guess.

16. A polar bear cannot be seen by an infrared camera, due to its transparent fur


Well that's reassuring for Alaskan residents...

17. The fear of vegetables is called lachanophobia

I think we all have this when we're kids.

18. Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas.


Maybe we're all minions...

19. Porcupines each have 30,000 quills.


And they grow back too, just like hair. Sharp, painful (for us) hair.

20. A rhinoceros' horn is made of compacted hair.


That's really cool and kind of gross.

21. There are 21 "secret highways" that are part of the Interstate Highway System.


That's intriguing...

22. The Chicago River flows backwards


Not naturally though, the project was completed in 1900.

23. In Ancient Greece, throwing an apple at a woman was considered a marriage proposal


I'm quite glad this tradition died.

24. There are more fake than real flamingos


Kind of depressing if you think about it ;(

25. The oldest living animal ever found was a 405-year-old clam


And his name is Ming!

26. The Caspian Sea is actually a lake


I wonder why its called a sea then? Hey Google...

27. Chicago is named after smelly garlic that once grew in the area


I love me some roasted garlic, but to be named after a very smelly garlic isn't the best name sake.

28. The cotton candy machine was invented in 1897... by a dentist


Well... that's one way to make more money in both areas of work, inventing and dentistry.

29. Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts sea water to fresh water.


Well that's got to come in handy!

30. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.


I love it! Sort of makes her a bit more down to earth.

31. Theodore Roosevelt had a pet bear while in office.


When your president you can have anything. I suppose a bear is the best watch dog you could get.

32. A dog's average body temperature is 101 degrees Fahrenheit


There's a reason they make such good snuggle buddies.

33. Cold water weighs less than hot water


I know there was a reason I like drinking ice water.

34. Beavers were once the size of bears

Kind of heard to believe but they do sort of look like mini bears, they got the fur.

35. If done perfectly, any Rubik's Cube combination can be solved in 17 turns.


I can only solve one side in about 100 moves, so...

36. Worrying squirrels is not tolerated in Missouri.


How would one worry a squirrel?

37. A group of goats is called a trip.


Maybe cause they're tripping all the time?

38. There are more English words beginning with the letter "S" than any other letter


Sassy, sarcastic Sally Samson sent stupid, silly Samuel Simpson some seriously slimy steaks, so Samuel Simpson sent Sally Samson some silver snakes so Sally Samson screamed serious swears!

39. Rats and mice are ticklish, and even laugh when tickled


That's adorable! Just gotta find the right spot and not worry about them biting.

40. It is illegal to run out of gas in Youngstown, Ohio


Okay, this would really suck. As if your day isn't bad enough, running out of gas in the middle of no where but now you have to worry about going to jail because of it?!

41. The "silk" of a spider is stronger than steel threads of the same diameter


Cue all the cringing! But its so mesmerizing!

42. There are 119 grooves on the edge of a quarter


Fun fact that maybe someday will win me a round in trivia!

43. Mosquitoes are attracted to people who just ate bananas


So, I won't be bringing any bananas with me on my next camping trip.

44. Kangaroos can't walk backwards


I mean, makes sense, with those big feet I would be tripping all over the place even walking forward.

45. All porcupines float in water.


I know that's a hedgehog gif, but look how cuuuute!

46. Stepping out for a walk every day can actually help you sleep better at night


Just as long as I don't have to go out in the cold.

47. Broccoli is the only vegetable that is also a flower.


Sooo... we shouldn't eat flowers, does that mean there's a reason behind why some people hate broccoli?? Or maybe its just lachanophobia.

48. The great lakes have more than 30,000 islands


So hey! There's a better chance of finding land when caught in a storm, as long as Gilligan isn't with you, you'll be fiiiine.

49. A Pelican can hold more food in its beak than its belly.


I don't know if that would be helpful or kind of pointless...

50. It is illegal to sing off-key in North Carolina.


Hear that music majors? If you really want some strict teachers, go to North Carolina where they can send you to jail if you miss a note.

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