LifestyleNov 13, 2018
15 Of My Favorite Reaction GIFs
GIFs are one of my favorite ways to respond to people in messages. Here are a few of my favorites.

GIFs are one of my favorite ways to respond to people in messages. Here are a few of my favorites.
Resting b***h face. Defined as a person, usually a girl, who naturally looks mean when her face is expressionless, without meaning to. Many of you suffer from this "condition." You are commonly asked what's wrong, when nothing is. What people don't know is that is just your facial expression. Here are some things they wish you knew.
Most of the time, you have absolutely no idea what your facial expression is. It is not directed at one person, and it doesn't usually reflect your mood.
Although people see you and automatically think that you are unhappy, chances are you aren't. I understand the confusion because your face looks the exact same.
When you actually are happy, people won't know. There is nothing more annoying than people who continuously ask what is wrong.
But after hearing that all day long, you start to get annoyed. Well you weren't mad before, but congratulations now something is actually wrong.
For those days when you really don't want to talk to people, it does come in handy. Walk around campus emphasizing the chronic face, -- it's guaranteed no one will approach you.
However, it gets frustrating because you truly are an approachable person most times. People just take one look at your face and think the absolute worst. It's not your fault you got stuck with having RBF.
People can totally tell when you fake smile. Again, you're doing it to try and be polite and show that you have emotions, but instead it looks even worse.
You are just misunderstood. Yeah sometimes you use your amazing resting b***h face to your advantage, but most of the time you are just trying to go about your day. You really don't mean to look like a b***h, you just honestly can't help it.
College students, you might be able to relate to this one. These probably sound familiar because we often tell ourselves these phrases; however, we are unable to follow or agree with these the following, deep down inside of our overwhelmed, tired minds.
Until you walk into a 99 cents store and suddenly have the urge to pick up anything that's less than a dollar.
Well, I did my own laundry if that counts.
My eating routine consists of breakfast, breakfast part 2, brunch, brunch part 2, lunch, lunch part 2, dinner, dinner part 2, and a midnight "snack".
Expectations, sigh.
Although I spent more than 12 hours on this paper, I'm sure I can finish it by 3 a.m.
Said no college student ever. What's a weekend without 3 papers, 2 presentations, and 2 tests worth 50% of my grade?
I had the wonderful opportunity, as a commuter student, to try food from the campus dining hall. I have to admit that I am so grateful for homemade food!
This one is quite difficult of a goal to accomplish since the curriculums haven't been completed yet. Nonetheless, we can start revising old notes in the meantime.
As college students, we are all familiar with the horror show that is course registration week. Whether you are an incoming freshman or selecting classes for your last semester, I am certain that you can relate to how traumatic this can be.
Bonus points if it is more than two.
Seriously though, why would you squeeze all 2000 people who need this course into two sections?
We get it - there is no reason I need the same email in my personal, university, and computer science emails. I have already checked my enrollment date, and I'm all set, chill.
Especially when the advisors have "walk-in hours" instead of appointments, and you get stuck behind the person who insists on carrying 24 credits next semester.
I basically live in pajamas, sweatpants, and leggings. Wearing real clothes is completely foreign at this point.
Bye-bye Fridays off!
It should be common knowledge that computer science majors are nocturnal creatures that should not be bothered prior to 11:00 a.m.
After seeing that three of the classes you planned to take were filled by "reserved seats for incoming students," it is a race against the clock to get a new schedule together that has no time conflicts, fulfills at least some major requirements, and has an appropriate amount of credits.
One of the few perks of having college credit from high school is the slightly earlier registration time.
Even though it is not what you originally planned, this hellish week is finally over.
Whether you're commuting or dorming, your first year of college is a huge adjustment. The transition from living with parents to being on my own was an experience I couldn't have even imagined- both a good and a bad thing. Here's a personal archive of a few of the things I learned after going away for the first time.
1. The Freshmen 15? It's real.
WARNING: The buffet style campus dining spots are a TRAP. If you're eating and out drinking on the weekends, it is EXTREMELY LIKELY that you're going to gain a little bit of weight. Gaining weight isn't really a bad thing, but staying healthy is definitely important. Take a walk or a run to even out that junk food intake, but feel free to sneak that late night five-cheese panini at 1AM.
2. Make friends with some of your floormates.
Your first year of college is arguably the most memorable time of your college life. You live with your floormates for two semesters, and you see them in the hall all the time. Make it a point to say "what's up", it'll definitely make your year more fun.
3. College is hard. Don't sell yourself short.
Higher education. It's not high school, your professors are a little less prominent than your HS teachers. This being said, you are responsible for your own eucation. It's a little hard having all this freedom and responsibility for (probably) the first time in your life, but it's important to realize that it's a little harder because you're sort of on your own.
4. You don't HAVE to have sex to "get it over with".
This is IMPORTANT. Deciding to have sex when you get to college? Cool. Deciding you want to wait? Awesome. Having sex because you just want to get it over with? Hm, think about that. Your decision is your decision, but if you're iffy about entering the "college hook-up culture", PLEASE really think about how important it is for you to have sex.
5. Be careful who you hook up with and who you open up to.
As I said earlier: beware of the infamous "college hook-up culture". IMO, it's a chance for college guys or gals to lead the other on (the majority of the time). It's not possible to control your feelings, but it's possible to cut a hook-up off/talk about how you feel. Better for you in the long run, trust me.
6. Work around scheduling a class before 12PM.
You might have the idea that, "Oh, I got up at 8AM in high school. I can do it again." No. No, you can't. I have very little explanation for this. You'll enjoy the extra sleep. If you don't believe me, schedule a morning class, and see how you feel.
7. Dress how you want to dress.
You wanna dress up? Slap on some make up, put on some heels, and head to your lecture. You were up late last night? Roll out of bed in what you fell asleep in last night. The good thing about college? You realize that no one is really focused on you, so it's a good time to just "do you" and rock it.
8. The drinking every chance you get? Not healthy. Stop that.
9. When you DO go out, be safe.
Check your drink, make sure you're pacing yourself, don't wander home by yourself, etc. The essentials.
10. Spend your money frugally.
Living the ramen/ easy-mac life is a real thing. There's a reason why it's a college student's go-to: it's easy to make, and it's cheap as heck. It's important to practice money saving tips- even though it seems almost impossible.
11. Those events your RA hosts? Go to them. Some of them are awesome, some offer free food.
As a poor college student, the word free resonates in all of our ears. RA events are not only a gateway to free food, but are also a way to meet more people on your floor/ in your building.
12. It's not all about school- enjoy yourself.
College is a new time in your life where you're working towards your future, but it's also a time where you meet people and have experiences like no other. Let yourself breathe sometimes, and just enjoy this experience.