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9 Of The Best Fries, Ranked Accordingly

From our hangover cures to our classy side dish, who can say "no" to fries?

9 Of The Best Fries, Ranked Accordingly

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Ok, so obviously we all LOVE fries right? Or why else would you click on this?

That being said, it is about time that someone ranks the best fries because the people need to know!

As a side note, this will only include fast food fries and it will go from the least to the most delectable!

 1. Taco Bell’s Nacho Fries

Ok, so maybe this seemed like a good idea but I'm not sure that it's the best. The fries kind of just taste like super crispy regular fries with a tad bit of cheese-flavored seasoning on them, which I guess is essentially what it is.

It seems like a chips and queso wanna-be.

Dipping them in the nacho cheese does make them a bit better but it still can't replace that savory taste of crunchy chips and creamy queso.

2. Wendy’s Natural Cut Fries 

We get it. Your naturally cut and ~perfectly~ seasoned with sea salt, but they still aren't the best. Don't get me wrong, they are great, but they just don't have that nice crisp on the outside of them.

3. Burger King


Burger King's fries aren't super special. They are just kind of there. They aren't horrible, but they aren't the best.

4.   Steak n’ Shake 

So, Steak n' Shake's fries are skinny to the max. These shoestring fries are pretty good but, I think that we can all agree that they need some more salt for sure.

5. PDQ

These fries aren't too skinny but they are on the skinny side, in a good way.

They are a tad soggy sometimes but rarely; it's only usually the long ones. Plus, the seasoning on these fries is so good.

6. Arby's

Ah, the only curly fries on the list.

These ones are clearly special for a couple reasons. The most obvious being their special curled shape, but their seasoning, that has a little spice, is also pretty good.

These fries do always seem to taste even greasier than usual for fries though, so they lose points for that.

7. McDonald's


These are the undisputed king of the skinny fries.

They aren't too skinny, to where they are soggy and they still manage to be just a tad crunchy but in the best way possible.

They are also slated just right and they always will leave you wanting more. Plus, when you do want more, there's usually a couple left at the bottom and when you reach down there and feel them it truly is a joyful moment.

8. Chick-fil-A   


Admit it, we all love our selves some waffle fries.

Chick Fil a masters the waffle fries (usually, sometimes it will vary by location). They are crunchy on the outside but nice and fluffy on the inside.

Sometimes though they do get over done and salted a little too much or too little so that is why they aren't the very best.

 9.  Bojangles  

I feel so bad for the West Coast where they don't have Bojangles because honestly, their fries are the absolute best.

These fries are right in the middle with their size. Not too think, but not too thin. Perfectly in the middle.

Plus, they are rarely over or underdone. They are mushy in the best way.

They also are topped off with the best seasoning! Try asking for some extra seasoning if you want; you won't regret it!

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