7. Dark-horse Pick #1: Jordan Spieth | The Odyssey Online
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My Pre-Championship Picks: The Masters

A tradition unlike any other, because I just started it.

My Pre-Championship Picks: The Masters

Alright friends, its major championship season in golf, and with sports betting now legal, I am here to give you the best and worst picks for each major in 2019. First up, The Masters. Let's do this!

1. Top Pick To Win #1: Rory Mcilroy


The one major left to complete the grand slam, Rory is the top pick to win this year's Masters. His putting is back to a level that can win major championships, and the win at the Players definitely proved that so. Driving will always be his strength, it just depends on if he can convert with putting on those slick greens.

2. Top Pick To Win #2: Justin Rose


The current World #2 Justin Rose is always a good pick to make regardless of the major being played. Never really any shortcoming in his game, he will definitely be a threat on this golf course, and after losing to Sergio Garcia in 2017, he's out for redemption out here. His ability to hit greens will serve him well here, but we're not sure what's gonna happen until the Back 9 Sunday afternoon for the 2013 U.S. Open champion.

3. Top Pick To Win #3: Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods


The Big Cat is looking good heading into the first major of the year. With driver now in control, Tiger can now attack Augusta National however he sees fit, but at the end day, it's whether or not the putter will cooperate. He loves the big moments, as the 14 previous majors show, but is it time he adds #15 to his resume?

4. Top Pick To Not Win #1: Patrick Reed


The current defending champion Patrick Reed is in a little bit of shambles right now. After a horrid missed cut at Valspar, his performance at the Match Play Championship wasn't much better. Getting some second-hand advice from David Leadbetter, it's gonna be interesting how this year progresses for Reed, but he will not be winning the Masters back-to-back.

5. Top Pick To Not Win #2: Dustin Johnson


Yes, unfortunately, World #1 Dustin Johnson is also on my list of who will not win the Masters. Nothing against DJ, but Augusta is a draw hitters paradise, and DJ now plays a nice little fade into everything now, which makes the task of winning Augusta just a little bit harder. I predict a good finish from DJ regardless of this fact, but I can assume he will not be winning the green jacket either.

6. Top Pick To Not Win #3: Matt Kuchar


Matt Kuchar has had himself a hell of a year already, and it's only April. However, with hitting it the average distance with almost a guaranteed fade every time, he will not be winning The Masters either. I can definitely see other majors fitting Kuchar this year, but its a foregone conclusion that he won't be winning this one.

7. Dark-horse Pick #1: Jordan Spieth


Spieth's disappointing 18 months of golf is starting look more promising, and coming to a place to where you won really helps. He is always a threat at Augusta National, let's just hope #12 doesn't get him again.

8. Dark-horse Pick #2: Brooks Koepka


The literal definition of what the modern golf game has evolved into, never sleep on Brooks Koepka when a major is going on. He's like Ian Poulter in the Ryder Cup, it just seems he doesn't care until he steps into the big tournaments, and although Brooks is a fader of the golf ball, he'll be able to out power the course regardless.

9. Dark-horse Pick #3: Rickie Fowler


At 30 years old, is it Rickie Fowler's time to shine in a major championship? I certainly hope so. If he can do what he did at the Waste Management earlier this year, he will be a huge threat coming into Augusta. So many storylines to be made, we just have to wait and see what happens.

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