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Health and Wellness

I Asked 27 People What Positive Things Happened To Them Despite The Pandemic, And Their Answers Are Inspiring

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Unsplash via Julian Wan

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Let's be real: COVID SUCKS! So many events have been ruined and not being able to see friends and families really blows. But, I reached out to people and asked if anyone had anything positive happen for them despite the pandemic and I got so many answers!!! Here are a few that were shared with me!

1. "You."

2. “I started working in the field that I want."

3. “I got a new job teaching on Long Island:)"

4. “I became calmer. I have learned that no matter your plans, anything can change."

5. “I got a puppy!"

6. “I had more time to enjoy my summer given that I started doing school online and didn't have to waste so much time traveling."

7. “I was able to pay off some bills with my unemployment."

8. “Less traffic."

9. “I finished the virtual summer 2020 running series — 202 miles (throughout the summer, not in one day lol)"

10. “I finished my master's degree! 😃"

11. “Figuring out ways to get out of the house while not being around other people has let to a lot more time spent outdoors!"

12. “Family dinners and movie nights again❤️. Time to appreciate the little things in life."

13. "I got engaged to my boyfriend of seven years at the very beginning of all of this. We got engaged on vacation and got back from Jamaica like, a few days before they stopped all international travel. 😅"

14. “We learned to appreciate nature again, and I got maternity leave after having my baby boy. I always dreamed of this, but normally would have missed out on it due to unpaid leave policies."

15. “I started dating my boyfriend and got a job with Northwell 😝."

16. “I started a new job just two weeks before quarantining in March. I was lucky enough to be able to keep the position and work from home throughout the pandemic (still working from home). I also completed my master's degree, adopted a second cat, and had some great, quality family time (being apart for so long makes you recognize how important the people in your life are). I've also paid more attention to myself with my mental health issues that I've been putting on the back burner for about 10 years."

17. “At the start of the pandemic I was working somewhere that I didn't see any future in, and I just wasn't happy. I also was having a lot of health issues. So during quarantine, I took the opportunity to leave my job and focus on getting physically well again. It also did wonders for my emotional well-being, and now I'm starting a job I really enjoy! 😃"

18. “I was finally able to do a demo a wall to open up my living room and kitchen and create a game room out of an only workshop."

19. “I rescued my dog, River! He's my best friend and one of the best things that have ever happened to me."

20. “I have gained confidence in my ability to handle challenges and the courage to request my needs as a wife, mother, and employee. It was necessary for me to be mentally healthy with so much chaos."

21. “I've been working through the pandemic at an animal hospital so daily life has been slightly interrupted but my routine is still pretty consistent. I have been able to really connect with my coworkers on deeper personal levels as we try to combat 2020 & working with the public through the pandemic. Being able to work together through COVID actually brought a coworker and I together & are dating. We have been able to discuss real life events (work related, political, environmental, etc). It's been refreshing not to be distracted by going to bars, clubs etc & really getting to know someone."

22. “I met beautiful new friends through Zoom parties."

23. “I have more time for myself. I am starting to write a book about my migraine journey."

24. “No interest on student loans since the pandemic."

25. “It's been AMAZING for my marriage. Some days are tough but that's also pre-pandemic. I feel like spending more time together and learning how to do dates that aren't public really made us closer. We even got an adventures book where it's like scratch off lotto tickets where you scratch and then do the date, take pictures and put them in the book and write about it. And there are some really good dates in there!"

26. "It has done wonders for my mental health! At first I really struggled but then I realized that nobody needs anything from me — not my jobs or my social life it was all very calming. I also went on medication which has just been phenomenal during COVID and just made me appreciate all the little things. Spending time with my family and having family game nights, having relaxing nights watching movies and cuddling with my dog. I almost didn't want to go back to work!!"

27. "I hope people are able to find light in the darkness of COVID like these people did! Don't lose hope and thanks to those who shared their experiences with me!"

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