Most Americans Are Unaware Of This Freedom Of Speech Violation
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Politics and Activism

Most Americans Are Unaware Of This Freedom Of Speech Violation

What does it mean to be "politically correct?"

Most Americans Are Unaware Of This Freedom Of Speech Violation

It is election season, and I have noticed a common term thrown around among people who do not hold a conservative view point and that is “political correctness.” Most interestingly, I have noticed it being used for several years; to be exact, mostly the past eight years. I noticed it has been thrown around when someone uses a term that the opposite party is “offended” by, or does not agree with. For example, I have been corrected by an individual who felt that a word I had used was politically incorrect. However, I know that this term is not ethically in the wrong, sexual or libel.

The question that is left lingering is who gets to determine what is considered politically correct and what isn't? I am sure there must be someone standing on a golden pedestal with a list of laws and rules handed down to him by God himself. As if the Ten Commandments didn't do that already.

Well, not exactly.

According to Wikipedia, political correctness is a term used to describe language, policies or measures which are intended not to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people. The dictionary defines it as a term marked by or adhering to a typically progressive orthodoxy on issues involving especially ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or ecology. Urban Dictionary defines it as “[a] way we speak in America so we don't offend whining [insert derogatory word here].” Interestingly, the term emerged before the early 1990s, usually as an ironic self-description, but became more mainstream in the United States when it was the subject of a series of articles in the left-winged, liberal-loving New York Times.

For a long while, I assumed political correctness was to speak of politics correctly and all this time I was thinking, "That’s fine because I won’t ever be a politician.” Wrong. Apparently words commonly used among Americans, that never “offended” anyone before, are now considered insensitive and anyone who utters them is a racist, sexist, homophobe, bigot, prejudice, etc. Political correctness violates our freedom of speech.

The ideas of the "political correctness movement" remind me of a communist society where speech is hardly allowed at all. The sad part is that America is following this movement, and diminishing the first amendment without even knowing it. This movement is policing our civil liberties, and distorting the real seriousness of racial and gender discrimination by pointing the finger at someone who truly meant no harm. For example, anything that has the word 'man' in it is not being politically correct. Or how saying "Christmas break" is not being politically correct, but saying "winter break" is. Political correctness is not only working its way to take away individual freedom of speech, but also religious freedoms. According to some, the phrase "...under God" should be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance because it "offends people."

To me, being politically correct does not make one ethical. Telling the truth, like the Bible tells us to do, is what I deem "politically correct," and I will continue to exercise my freedom of speech for as long as I can. I refuse to move toward a communist country by limiting my speech and expressing my beliefs. So call me a conservative-- I don't mind! As long as it protects what America once stood for, then count me in.

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