Is 'Refashioning' Trend Taking Clothing Away From Plus Size Women?
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Is 'Refashioning' Trend Taking Clothing Away From Plus Size Women?

What is really bothering people about this creative outlet.

Is 'Refashioning' Trend Taking Clothing Away From Plus Size Women?

Everyone wants to wear clothing in which they feel comfortable. For some body types, however, it’s more difficult than others. Despite the fact that the average clothing size for an adult woman in the United States is a 12-14, it’s harder than ever for women to find clothing that is inexpensive and flattering. One can speculate on why companies overcharge for plus size clothing, but among fashion designers, there is a growing belief that making plus size clothing isn’t only less difficult than initially believed, but also a smart business choice. And a lot of the movement has been pushed by heavier women themselves, who have created and thrived in the business world providing fashionable clothing for other women.

"Make Them Stare" t-shirt from plus size company Ready To Stare

So, we know that finding cheap, flattering clothing for heavier women can be difficult. So, why not try and find some cheaper options from, say, thrift stores? This can be especially good for a less wealthy population, considering the fact that ⅓ of homeless people are obese. After all, there are often some very cute things for plus sized women in thrift stores, and everyone should be able to afford things that fit them.

The "Birthday" Dress, by plus size designer Zelie for She

However, there’s recently been some controversy surrounding people purchasing plus sized dresses from thrift stores; especially when those people who are buying them are refashioning them.

Cute floral dress refashioning

What’s “refashioning"? Essentially, it’s taking old dresses and restyling them to look different, by cutting, styling, pleating or perhaps adding bits of other fabric. This can often be a very fun project and really make older dresses look nicer. But what happens when skinnier women are taking clothing away from heavier women?

For the most part, when refashioning is done, you keep the garment essentially the same size. If there are any sizing changes, it may be that parts of the waistline are taken in or the skirt is shortened. What is really bothering people is when skinnier women buy XXL dresses and transform them into smaller ones.

Artist Jillian Owens takes plus sized dress and refashions it into a smaller cocktail dress.

Now, your initial reaction may be “Oh, people are being too sensitive, they’re just having fun!” While that’s true, remember what was said above — heavier women have a harder time finding clothing. For some women, going to thrift stores may be their only option. And by making a habit of scouring the plus sized section and buying all of the plus sized clothes when you’re not plus makes life more difficult for heavier women.

Artist Kristi re-imagines a plus size dress as a skirt (according to the artist, the top sported a stain).

Am I saying not to refashion clothing? Certainly not. It’s an amazing creative outlet. In fact, many of these refashioned outfits end up being donating to local charity shops. It’s also a good way to recycle clothing and keep one’s wardrobe looking new and interesting. That being said, you should think before you shop. Could this dress be comfortable and fashionable on a heavier person, and are you taking away from the precious few amount of garments they can buy? Before purchasing something way too big (I’m talking much bigger, not an 8 if you’re a 6), think if there are other options. Trying looking through the dollar a pound bin — often those clothes are ripped or have holes, but are salvageable to an artistic mind. Perhaps you could find something in the smaller range, where it’s often easier for people to find clothes? If you’ve gone through all the motions in your head and still want to buy this bigger dress, then go ahead. But remember to think before doing it; others may not have as many options as you!
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