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10 Curvy Women Of Color On Instagram Who Inspired Us All To Take More Confident Lingerie Selfies

Learn to embrace your body and stop comparing yourself to the "beauty" standard with the help of these beautiful models and bloggers.

10 Curvy Women Of Color On Instagram Who Inspired Us All To Take More Confident Lingerie Selfies

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It's not every day that you scroll on your timeline and see a body that resembles your own. With a beauty standard that has conditioned the minds of society to exclaim confidence!

When a fuller figure posts on social media — as if it's an extreme act of bravery to show yourself off if you're not under a size 6 — it's about time we take back our power and learn that we are enough just the way we are.

A wonderful way to start this journey is by swapping out your Instagram following for people that embody everything you're working for. No more feeling insecure for having thighs that jiggle and stretch marks on your hips.

These are the people you want to see on your timeline:

Latecia Thomas


She serves us face, walk, and body while speaking loud and proud for equality.

Diana Sirokai


It's written in bold in her bio: CONFIDENCE with Diana.

Tired of being criticized for being plus-sized and not fitting society's beauty standards, Diana took to instagram to build a platform that challenges every pre-conceived idea of beauty and celebrates all bodies.

Jessica Torres


Not only is she a style icon, Jessica also has a Podcast and YouTube channel where her electric aura shines through the screen spreading love, light, and the knowledge that you are that bitch!

Kelly Augustine


From natural hair looks to healthy eats, Kelly rocks it all!



Gabi is here to teach you to love the skin you’re in! She is the bikini and lingerie queen.

Veronica Campos


There's not a color in this world that won't look absolutely stunning on this woman.



She loves the skin she's in and she's not afraid to show it.

Erika Aguilera


This beauty is living her best life with her best friend by her side!

Lenix T rena'e


Not only is she giving styling tips and preaching self that a SoundCloud link in her bio?

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