Buckle Up, 6 Planets Are Going Retrograde In the Next 6 Months
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Buckle Up, 6 Planets Are Going Retrograde In the Next 6 Months

Because apparently, what is happening on Earth isn't enough.

Buckle Up, 6 Planets Are Going Retrograde In the Next 6 Months

For those of you who do not know, astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, for the purpose of interpreting how they influence human affairs.

Astrology is quite popular, but what is popular is certainly not everyone's cup of tea. Over the years, so much media content has been created to explain its phenomenon, while opponents have coined phrases like, "Mercury's in Gatorade" to poke fun at the study.

No matter who belittles the study, there are still many believers. Many people get so invested in astrology, delving into their sun, moon and ascendant signs. Plenty of people have downloaded helpful apps to see their horoscopes and natal charts like Costar and The Pattern.

Those people are like me who believe that astrology provides solace, validation and explanations for who we are. Often, it may even help people account for reasons why certain things are going right or wrong in their life.

A crucial aspect of human affairs, according to astrology, are retrogrades.

Retrogrades are when planets appear to stop moving forward and start moving backward. These retrogrades may affect each of us in different ways. These effects have to do with our own personal birth chart placements and which planet is in retrograde.

Potential retrograde effects include experiences with poor or enhanced communication, technological difficulties, amplified emotions or people from the past returning. Again, these effects don't happen to every person, every time any planet goes into retrograde.

Below, I will be preparing you for six major retrogrades that will be happening from May 2020 to November 2020.

1. Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: April 25, 2020- October 3, 2020

Surprise! We are currently IN a retrograde as we speak.

The theme of Pluto's retrograde is change and transformation. Oftentimes, when Pluto is in retrograde it begins with us looking into our deep-seated issues or psychology. This means our fears will become more prominent.

However, this energy also encourages us to have major life transformations, such as career changes, relationship changes or reawakenings. It's essentially a time of embracing the new direction instead of remaining stagnant. Consider asking yourself: what changes would I like to make happen?

Who is this most likely to affect: Capricorn Rising, Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon and Scorpio Rising.

2. Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius: May 11, 2020-September 28, 2020

This is yet another retrograde we recently have shifted into. The theme of Saturn's retrograde is restructuring and new attitudes. Some of us may have a change of heart about how we handle obstacles, some of us may decide it is time to start getting serious about our goals or a loved one.

Whatever the case is, this retrograde is not the same for everyone. It all depends on where you find Saturn in your chart. Lots of people may begin acting strangely more relaxed, while others start taking on an abnormal sense of responsibility... social distancing anyone?

Who is this most likely to affect: Aquarius Rising, Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon, Capricorn Rising, Capricorn Sun and Capricorn Moon.

3. Venus Retrograde in Gemini: May 13, 2020-June 24, 2020

This is a very special retrograde, as it only happens about once every two years. A theme that most retrogrades have is reevaluation and reimagining of circumstances. Venus Retrograde has been coined to have, "We Need To Talk" energy.

Be prepared to reconnect with old friends, or flames, have a much-needed conversation you've been pushing off or (hopefully) have a major influx of money. This may be a hard retrograde to enjoy, but remember, it is for the best to take a deeper look at what is happening around you.

Who is this most likely to affect: Gemini Rising, Gemini Sun, Gemini Moon, Libra Rising, Taurus Rising, Taurus Sun and Taurus Moon.

4. Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: May 14, 2020-September 12, 2020 

This retrograde's major theme is compelling us to look at the bigger picture. A theme surrounding this retrograde is our belief system. It may be time to consider what we actually believe in, what we care about and if we have been following our moral compass. Some of you may even feel like this is a time to get reconnected with your spirituality or religion.

Who is this most likely to affect: Capricorn Rising, Capricorn Sun, Capricorn Moon, Pisces Rising, Sagittarius Rising, Sagittarius Rising, Sagittarius Sun and Sagittarius Moon.

5. Mercury Retrograde in Cancer: June 18, 2020-July 11, 2020

I am preparing you for the most popular of retrogrades: Mercury. Mercury retrogrades typically have themes of communication, finances and movement.

This particular retrograde is in Cancer, though, making it that much more important to focus on those themes in the contexts of the home and family. Watch out for miscommunications with your relatives or walking too far down memory lane. Use this time to come to a reunion or compromise, or even do some neat DIY house renovations!

Who is this most likely to affect: Cancer Rising, Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon, Virgo Rising, Gemini Rising, Gemini Sun and Gemini Moon.

6. Mars Retrograde in Aries: September 9, 2020-November 14, 2020

Finally, the last retrograde that will be occurring in the next six months is the Mars retrograde. This retrograde has themes of kicking things into high gear.

Our sex drives and career ambitions may become our top priorities. However, with high levels of intimacy and excitability also comes an opportunity to fight. Try to remain grounded, and don't let yourself get burnt out.

Who is this most likely to affect: Aries Rising, Aries Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising, Scorpio Sun and Scorpio Moon.

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