5. Pop bar Ice Cream | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You Only Noticed About Your Hometown After More Than 100 Days In Quarantine

A new perspective on a familiar place!

10 Things You Only Noticed About Your Hometown After More Than 100 Days In Quarantine

Being quarantined for over 100 days in Suwanee, Georgia has opened my eyes to a new world. Quarantine gave me the opportunity to explore my hometown and find places that I have never seen before.

1. Indian Seats

Indian Seat is a great scenic spot at the end of the Sawnee trail. Because quarantined has prevented me from meeting people, I spend my time enjoying nature and Indian seats a new place I go to view my hometown.

2. Lake Lanier

Lake Lanier is an amazing place to watch a sunrise or a sunset. Since school is out and I have a lot of free time, I often go to the lake early in the morning to see the beautiful sunrise.

3. Taccoa Swinging Bridge

Sometimes I want to enjoy a day with my friends, but many places are too crowded. Toccoa swinging bridge is a very adventurous place to go and enjoy a unique experience on a bridge that swings above the river while you walk.

4. Truett's Luau Chik-fil-a

Tik Tok has been a great way to entertain me during quarantine and on it, the Truett's Luau was getting a lot of hype so I decided to check out this Polynesian style Chick-fil-a that is designed to be like a vacation to Hawaii.

5. Pop bar Ice Cream

During quarantine, I have invested a lot of time in local food places that are unique to our city and Popbar is by far one of the best. This local ice cream store has several popsicles that a customer can choose from and personalize with toppings like chocolate and sprinkles. This is such a fun way to enjoy a popsicle!

6. Halcyon Walking Trail

The Halcyon Walking Trail is a beautiful trail that you and your friends can use to see a river and other parts of nature. This is a great trail to take in the mornings with friends and has just recently become available to the public. The trail is also by a modern outdoor mall.

7. East Palisades

After quarantine started, my amount of physical activity dropped drastically so I decided to go hiking and found this beautiful place called the East Palisades. At the end of this trail is a gorgeous bamboo garden. Near the trail, there is tubing and kayaking as well as a biking trail.

8. Nitro Zone Atlanta Indoor Fun Park

When quarantine started and I had nothing to do, I did as what most people do and searched up a place nearby that has fun activities and Nitro Zone was one I never heard of. Nitrozone has so many activities that you can take part in including bowling, go-kart, and ninja warrior course.


Greatea has the absolute best boba tea in the city and I cannot believe I did not know of it until quarantine. I never understood the popularity of boba until recently, but this place is definitely one to visit.

10. Pendergrass Flea Market

During quarantine, I picked up a hobby for gardening and found the most resourceful place yet. Pendergrass has all types of mini-stores within it including plants, animals, food, and more. It is a great place to have a day of enjoyment.

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