Panic! At The Disco's new album is finally out for the world to hear and we have truly been blessed with a beautiful record. Back in February Brendon started teasing a new album and eventually released two singles to give fans a taste of what the new P!ATD era had in store. All of the singles that were released before the whole album were absolutely amazing but being able to listen to the full album has been an experience I wasn't prepared for. "Pray For The Wicked" has 11 tracks on it, all more incredible than the last; this is my break down of all the tunes that should be on everyone's playlists.
"(Fuck A) Silver Lining"
The horns in this song have got me feeling some type of way omg. Brendon's team wasn't sure about the title of this song and the fact that it was one of the first songs being released from PFTW but Urie felt strongly about this bop and I've definitely jammed to it a million times since I heard it in February.
"(Say Amen) Saturday Night"
When "(Fuck A) Silver Lining" and this song were released this one was definitely my favorite of the two. I love the lyrics and how hard the song goes. I cannot wait to pop off to this song live in concert.
"Hey Look Ma I Made It"
This song is SO cute!!!! When Panic! first started Brendon went through so many hardships, there were financial problems, band mates changing, part time jobs, and a lack of support from Brendon's family. But in the past couple years Panic! has THRIVED. This song just proves that the band was able to gain the recognition and success they deserved.
"High Hopes"
I love how "Hey Look Ma I Made It" goes into this song. I also feel like the songs complement each other nicely. It's perfect for remembering to set high expectations for yourself and not selling yourself short.
"Roaring 20s"
This banger talks about Brendon's time on Broadway last summer. I was lucky enough to see him in NYC and he killed it. Brendon had a pretty wild 20s and it's only up from here.
"Dancing's Not A Crime"
This is another cute af song. It also has a amazing moment in the bridge that nods at the LGBTQIA+ community that Brendon is a huge supporter of.
"One Of The Drunks"
In his early 20s, Brendon was known to be someone who always enjoyed a good party. This song pays homage to his younger self. The bridge of this song is definitely one of the best I've ever heard from Urie as well.
"The Overpass"
When I saw the title of this song I didn't know what to expect at all but as soon as I heard the beginning notes, I knew I'd be hooked. It's such a BOP wow.
"King Of The Clouds"
I love the flow of this song, it's so different than anything off this album. The tune is so dreamy and it's actually Brendon's thoughts while under the influence of marijuana.
"Old Fashioned"
According to Spotify total plays, and by my assessment, this song is being slept on. Urie reminisces more about his teenage years and the partying he engaged in.
"Dying In LA"
I was going through some stuff the weekend after this album was released and this song is the slowest off the album and it was just really calming and I definitely listened to it on repeat for like three hours oops. This song needs to be performed on Broadway or something ugh it's just so beautiful.
"Pray For The Wicked" is such an incredible album and it is definitely one of my favorite Panic! albums to date. I love the new sound the band has developed over the past three albums. I'm so proud of how far Brendon Urie has come in his career and I cannot wait to see him in Chicago to tour this record!