Original Junglist: An Exclusive Interview With DJ Rare
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Original Junglist: An Exclusive Interview With DJ Rare

An insider perspective on drum & bass culture, and insights on being a DJ...

Original Junglist: An Exclusive Interview With DJ Rare

DJ Rare is a veteran of drum & bass and music alike.

Hailing from Nottingham, UK, he saw the style of drum & bass as it began to take shape, and has watched it form into what it is today. His experience in DJ’ing spans along a timeline since before drum & bass was a recognized genre. As an active and involved member of the UK rave scene, both during its rise and fall, you can bet that DJ Rare knows better than many about drum & bass and how it became what it is today.

We talk about DJ Rare’s journey through the evolution of drum & bass, his experiences as a DJ, and so much more.

Listen to this mix by the man himself as a companion to this interview!

(Just to be clear for those who are unfamiliar with all the nomenclature related to drum & bass, “hardcore” refers to a style of breakbeat and/or an early form of drum & bass)

What made you get involved in drum & bass?

Having been into the styles of music that were around before DnB, I kind of followed a path/the path. Many artists were sampling bits or anything from classic tracks that I liked, even down to remixing tunes…their way. So it was an instant hit with me.

That experimentation at the time must've been exciting. When did it seem like people were starting to make drum & bass instead of mixing tracks?

It’s strange, because it’s always been there in my eyes…just a different form. We had the hardcore jungle, alongside hardcore, alongside jungle techno…with DnB.
I use to be quite happy dancing away at a venue called the Pleasuredome. A hardcore techno/jungle night. And LTJ Bukem would be happily up next after Easygroove, a DnB DJ and a hardcore DJ. I also think because it was all new, we kind of didn’t care. Or didn’t know. I know I went with the flow.

For me, it all formed to this now. It’s all changed now with networking, etc.

How long have you been a DJ?

I started DJ’ing end of ’87. It was in our local youth clubs on our estate. I was into hip hop (as I was into breakdancing) up to 1990. Then the "rave" scene took hold. After I got taken to places, meeting like-minded people…I knew that was my kind of music.

Were there any DJ’s that influenced you?

Oh yes. From well known, to the not so.

- DJ Seduction, for how he was finding styles of records he made back then to help move jungle.

- LTJ Bukem for the same with DnB.

- Then DJ Senator, a local club DJ/producer for showing it to me.

- DJ XTC, a local Nottingham DJ, for also showing me a path, but also for the records he made. And for the fact the he believed in them. He has produced some classic tracks that get the love they deserved.

A few did. As all of my friends back then were DJ’s. Very good as well. They all had plays or were trying to make tracks as well. They also pushed me and I looked up to them.

But the list goes on. Roni size, Goldie…loved them all, even The Prodigy. For all their beliefs and passion.

Support in the community has a clear impact. How well do you think DJ's and artists are supporting each other these days?

Well I think most of, if not all, from back then now support a lot. Mostly, I think from 2003 up to the new-gen, kind of not so. It’s all over the social media, about the technology. And that’s spread to the masses. The crowd, they can now have their say directly. But I’m also finding a real love from the people that were there before 2000. We all seem to be pulling it all back together again. The producers and DJ’s all together putting it out there, back how it use to be.

What does drum & bass mean to you, and is there something about it that inspires you?

In a way, I think it means a lot, because it’s always been a part of me. From watching Grooverider drop the Boogie Times Tribe’s “Dark Stranger." One awesome DJ/producer playing a tune from the same. One pioneering label with a track made by another label that moved the music to what we have today. Understanding that love and seeing it evolve to now, even to see vinyl make a come back (another debate), is why it inspires and moves me. To see where it’s come, and still going too.

The argument about spinning vinyl vs. digital comes to mind. What do you think of these times for DJ'ing (in regards to where it started and its development over the years)?

I don’t quite like it. It’s giving people the wrong impression of DnB, and for what we’re about and stand for. I see why and understand things need to move. But I think it was too fast. I don’t know, in my opinion, the tech has took a lot of a vibe away.

One of my first plays out, I walked through the crowd with my record case, with a friend doing the same. We could hear people asking, “who are they?” “Wonder who they are,” etc, creating a vibe for them seeing us. That buzzed us, which in turn gave a good night. One thing you wouldn’t get now if you have a [USB] stick in your pocket.

Also, it’s opened the doors to the fake promoters and DJ’s who are in it for the money. I mean, how many video's are out there now with these so-called DJ’s playing a crowd with the CDJ’s turned off, etc. Never found a vinyl DJ doing that. At least you got what you paid for back then.

But like I said, times change, and like-minded people just like me are helping to bring the unity back. Doing it the old way and the new. I mean I have a DRUM&BASS Group on Facebook, 14,000 strong. We're using the group to spread exactly that.

What are some tips that you can give to newer DJ’s, and what goes into a great set?

I think first: be yourself. Find what you love and stick with it. Get to understand what you play.

The artists/labels: who does what, as most artists/labels have an alias or sister labels. That can open new doors when it comes to new music.

What ever you play on, find what’s comfortable and works for you. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

Most of all: enjoy what you play and how you do it. The more you do, the more it will come.

As for sets: most, if not all the time, I’ll play free style. I don’t work to a set or playlist. Though I do kind of know whether I’ll play dark, liquid, etc. But I play to the vibe. I’ll take a selection that I know will go down well and go through them. As the crowd buzzes, that gets me to buzz…I’ll pick you a tune to make you rock more.

I think getting to know about the venues and their crowds would help you to pick a better selection that would go down well. Go visit, get a feel. You'll feel more relaxed and at home. If you don’t enjoy, your crowd will feel your vibe. So have fun.

You can catch DJ Rare on The Music Galaxy Radio during the DABIYF takeover on Tuesdays, 3PM-1AM GMT.

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