Organizing Your Life 101 | The Odyssey Online
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Organizing Your Life 101

In all of the craziness that most people face on a daily basis, it helps to keep every aspect of your life organized

Organizing Your Life 101
Sharon McCutcheon

Figuring out how to organize how to organize your life can help eliminate stress and make you feel overall happier. Here are some ways to get started.

Write Things Down

Whether you write down what you have going on for the whole month or just have a daily "To-Do" list, writing down what you have going on and what you need to get done can really help you stay on schedule and feel less stressed about everything you have going on.

Keep Your House/Room Clean

Having things laying around all over your house or room makes it hard to find things and is especially inconvenient when you're in a rush. Keeping the areas around you clean really isn't a hard task and if the week gets busy, choose a day every weekend to tidy things up. Its a simple thing that can be done to get your life in order.

Learn to Let Go of Things

Many people, including myself, have trouble letting go of things. It can be hard throwing away or donating things that you don't use or wear anymore. Allowing yourself to be honest about what you do or don't need in your life anymore will help you in the process of getting rid of things, while also decluttering the space around you.

Time Management 

This is a very key component of organizing your life. We spend so much time doing unproductive things, which isn't always bad, but if we learned to manage our time and get important things done first you own't wonder what you spent the entire day doing. By learning to mage your time better you'll also feel more successful at the end of each day.

Start Building Better Routines 

While you probably don't always realize it, your days likely follow a particular routine. Once you get into the habit of following a more productive routine it will be easier to stay organized. After continuously doing the same routine you won't even remember what it is that you had to change.

Set Goals

Setting goals for yourself is a great way to promote getting things done. It is also a good way to hold yourself accountable, if you don't reach your goal by a certain deadline don't be too hard on yourself, but push yourself to get it done soon after.

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