Gina Thompson - The Things You Do | The Odyssey Online
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5 Music Gems That We Will Forever Love & Jam To

Creating pure vibes of nostalgia.

5 Music Gems That We Will Forever Love & Jam To

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Everyone has their song from childhood and early adulthood that puts them in that mood of pure nostalgia bringing back a specific memory, smell or situation and scenery. Let's remember these five gems that will forever love and jam to.

Subway ft 702-This Little Game That We Play

Now, I had to kick off this article with my own gem which will be this song for sure. I don't know of my peers remember this song but I remember sitting on the bus every morning with friends singing "Boy I want you to stay so we can play this little game we play!...An old school gem for sure This Little Game that we play is pure gold of r&b for 80's babies.


Daily seems like I just can't get ahead as soon as I get out the bed, its always something going on to drive me crazy", was the blues song of day as a teenager. I am very sure that everyone as an adult can fully relate to this song in many different ways when we're experiencing adulthood.

SWV- Use Your Heart & Not Your Mind

Use your heart and not your mind by SWV is a mellow vibe giving song that creates a very dope atmosphere as these Sistas With Voices sing so smooth to you just to use your heart and not your mind bay just relax a while. True love and life lessons that they were singing in this song.

Gina Thompson - The Things You Do

Pure gem, I can remember being about eleven listening to this song loving it. I remember local radio station playing 96.3 playing this song all of the time . The things you do makes me keep running to you solid gem to check out.

Ginuwine- Pony 

Oh and last but not least and definite music gem by none other than himself Ginuwine, so fine. I was told from when the cassette tapes turned from clear to black yes this song is definitely a true gem and throwback. I loved this song so much, with only the radio at my hands I never knew what Ginuwine truly looked like and so I can picture myself sitting at my grandmother's table sitting and recording this song with my tape player.

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