Every new year that rolls around, you know you're gonna hear the following:
"New year, don't care!"
"New year, new hair!"
and definitely,
"New Year? New me!"
But...what's with the hype of changing yourself every year? Are we really that tarnished by the time December 31st rolls around that we feel the need to reinvent ourselves?
Sure, it sounds super fun to try and be somebody new. It's almost romanticized, the idea of figuring yourself out again and trying to better yourself because that is the only way to make this year better, right?
The truth, however, might just be that we are always ourselves and are always headed for a new year that will inevitably change us because we always learn and grow through new experiences. Doesn't matter if you tell yourself it will be a "whole new me."
Instead, maybe we should just be excited for the new year because the "me" you have will be welcoming a new year of life, period. There are always things ahead to look forward to, whether or not the new year is upon us.
Every day is a new day...and that's what's super cool. And a new year just means that. A new year...
...with the you that is beautiful, bright and strong and ready to take it on! You don't need a new you to have a good year.
You need you.
Simply and wonderfully, you.