“So please don’t speak, my heart is having trouble with the beat, so try to take it slow.”
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you will come across a song that makes you feel some type of way. It instantly hits you hard and makes you feel emotions that you never knew a song could make you feel. And before it’s even over, you’re hooked. You have to listen to it twice in a row (or maybe even a few more times) just to grasp its perfection as much as you possibly can.
Now, me being the music-obsessed-person that I am, this happens to me every so often. But on Sunday, September 11, at around 9:30PM my life was turned upside down by 4 minutes and 25 seconds of pure perfection.
I was just innocently sitting on my bed, mourning the fact that it was a Sunday night when I received a 7-word text message from my friend.
The text read:
“The Fray givin me all the feels”.
For those of you who may not know, The Fray is a very talented and emotional band. With that being said, I decided to explore their Spotify profile to see if they have released anything new recently.
And there it was.
Singing Low.
Released on September 9th, 2016.
“We can lay together, we’re closer than we’ve ever been. Stay right here forever, and find a way to love again.”
This song is, for lack of better terms, phenomenal. The Fray uses their mellow, calming talent to make their listeners feel their music, always, but especially within this particular song. The best way I can describe how this song makes you feel is heavy. It gives you a feeling in your stomach and your chest that only happens when you’ve come across pure genius. Even after it’s over, it leaves you with a feeling of “wow” and awe and serenity that forces you to listen to it one more time just to make sure you listened to it correctly.
Like I said, sometimes you will come across a song that makes you feel some type of way. I hope this article was able to open your ears to a new way of listening and feeling the music you choose to listen to.