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5 Nap Positions And What They Say About Your Conscious Personality

Napping is a complete art form, change my mind.

5 Nap Positions And What They Say About Your Conscious Personality

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Napping. The most wonderful activity one can do besides actually sleeping itself.

I'm a world-class napper. As a college student, I've perfected the art of a quick sleep. I can nap anywhere, anytime, and for any duration, and proudly so.

Because of my experience, I'm definitely a self-proclaimed expert on any and all siestas. Through careful analysis and many in-field studies, I've established five different nap positions, and, coincidentally, what personalities they represent when you're awake.

So, read, and then nap, on, my friends!

1. The Fetal Position


What it is: This move is exactly what it reads like - the fetal position. You lay on your side with your knees to your chest. It's like a sideways cannonball into nap-ville.

What it means: You like to feel protected and safe; however, you're more than capable of providing that sense of security for yourself. You go, you independent individual, you!

2. The Conceivably Conscious


What it is: This move is my signature move. It involves simply closing your eyes either standing- or sitting-up and proceeding with the intended nap. This is so you can appear awake at all times and become awake at a moment's notice.

What it means: You're a person of action, not willing to let a moment go to waste. You also care about others' feelings enough that you don't want to hurt them by dozing off in their presence. Look at you, being thoughtful!

3. The Braced-Yourself


What it is: This is where you nap against literally anything. Usually, it's a closed fist, but it can be a car window, a computer screen, or your homies' arms. Regardless, you definitely need something to lean on.

What it means: You value the importance of support, both physical and emotional, and you provide that for others. Yay, you're a steady rock in a waving ocean of life's weirdness!

4. The "That Can't Be Comfortable"


What it is: This nap situation can happen anywhere and at anytime, and it never looks comfortable. These bodily configurations can take any yoga-like form, from half-on, half-off the couch to a feet-in-the-air move to an upside-down body pretzel. It usually makes people pause and ask, "How in the world are they asleep, that doesn't look comfortable at all."

What it means: You're used to going with the flow, especially if that flow is against normal convention. You're not afraid to march to your own beat. Drum on, kid!

5. The Nap-To-Sleep


What it is: This form is unique in that it's based on a complete lie. You tell yourself as you're crawling into bed in PJs that it's only going to be an hour-long nap. Then you pretend to be surprised when it's eight hours later.

What it means: You're all about the little comforts in life and aren't above a little white lie to get them. It's cool, though, we all do it. You move with determination, and you actually know exactly what you're doing, even if the world seems to think otherwise.

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