2. Think about your favorite bands/TV show characters for inspiration | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things To Think About When You're Naming Your New Pet

It's more important than you realize

yellow lab

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We all know making decisions and choosing a name that the whole family agrees with can be difficult. Here are some tips to help you out.

1. Make sure all family members can pronounce it


Remember your little niece who may give it the command 'Sit!' but it ends up coming out as a word she should not say? Same thing could end up happening if you name your new puppy something that can be rhymed with something else like "Tucker."

2. Think about your favorite bands/TV show characters for inspiration


The puppy my family is getting's dad is named Archer after the TV Show. We tried to find a name we could all agree on that was also from the show, but it didn't work. My dad's favorite band is also Guns N' Roses, so we thought Axl might fit. We all liked that one (although we still haven't picked).

3. Try to stray from the more common dog names


Going to the dog park and calling your new puppy to leave could be difficult when ten Spot's show up at the fence as well.

4. Try finding a name to go with your puppy's appearance


Our new puppy is going to be a black lab and my dad made jokes about naming him "Blackie" or "Perro Negro," but for multi colored puppies, or dogs with distinguishable features could inspire you. Remember Disney's "Bolt." With one of my kittens, we named him Apollo because he is black and Apollo is the god of the sun so we thought it was ironic.

5. Try names of famous dogs


Everyone remembers the "Beethoven" movies from the 90's or the "Airbud" movies. If you have nostalgia or childhood attachment, these names could work out for you.

6. Try names from your heritage


My family is German and French. Finding a word that's short and meaningful in either language could work for us such as Donner which means thunder or something else of that sort.

7. Pick a name based on your puppy's personality


For example, if you dog likes to snuggle you could name him "Cuddles." When Austin originally picked out our kitten brothers, the tabby that picked him was passed out the entire time. We named him Dionysus because we were doing Greek Gods and he seemed so tired that he could have been "tipsy" as the god of wine. If your puppy is mischievous, Rebel. There are thousands of possibilities.

8. Your puppy's size may help you choose


Everyone knows a tiny dog named Peanut. You could do this with all different sized dogs. You could be humorous and name a large dog "Tiny." I once read a book where a girl named her large golden retriever "Kitty."

9. Heart connection


There is also always that cheesy, but very real technique for naming a new puppy - picking it up and just knowing instantly that the name of your puppy. Listen to your heart/gut. It only wants what's best for you.

10. Research and read listicles like this for inspiration


You could find ideas and names you never thought of and really love. Researching is always a good way to make an informed decision.

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