My Journey Going From Long Hair To Short Hair | The Odyssey Online
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I Was Always ​The Girl With Long Hair, And Now That I'm Not, I'm Loving It

I've had the same hair style forever, so this was a huge change for me and it was more than just a physical change.

I Was Always ​The Girl With Long Hair, And Now That I'm Not, I'm Loving It
Katie DeBois

Before My Hair Cut

A Week Before

As I start this it's a week before I get my hair cut. I have decided to cut my hair from about stomach-ish length to shoulder length. Yeah, I am not just getting a trim, I am chopping off a lot of my hair.

This may not seem like a big deal to most people, but growing up I was always the girl with long, curly hair. Ever since I could remember, people were commenting on the length of my hair and how at one point it reached to my butt. It was my look and I was known for my hair. That's no longer going to be the case in a matter of a week from when I started this article.

Now, I am going to be the girl with short(ish) curly hair. It's going to be weird as I have never had short hair before. I am nervous, excited, and as the date gets closer and closer the more I think about it.

Before I got my hair cut, not everyone knew. I wanted to shock everyone because my hair has been such a staple to my look. It's weird how something that can be change in a matter of seconds can have such an effect on an appearance. It's going to be a change, but in 2019 I am embracing change because it's inevitable.

I only told a few people about my plans to cut my hair and I told them so I could ask them for their opinion on whether or not I should follow through with it. None of my friends think I will look ugly though. All of my friends think I will look different, but in a good way. They're excited for me and each time I text them about it, they push away my nerves and get me more excited about it. These people are great people

I've decided to cut my hair for a lot of reasons. Recently, I've been getting annoyed with my long hair as sometimes it can take me up to 15 minutes brushing it just to get knots in my hair 5 minutes later. This time of year is perfect because it's hat season so if I hate my hair cut, I can just wear a hat and cover it up.

Also, like I've said I have had the same hair style for so long. I wore a pony tail nonstop from kindergarten till freshman year of high school, and then again in sophomore year of high school. Freshman year of high school I wore it down. Then I did the braid in Junior year. Ever since senior year of high school, I've worn my hair down with the same exact part.

It's time for a change, it's time to spice things up and I am so confident in myself going into 2019 than ever before. I am confident in myself, my friendships, my capability to do well in school, and so on. I am confident enough to make this bold change for my life because I know it's going to be good for me.

Day Before

It's the day before I get my haircut. I am so excited and nervous. I am counting down the hours until my 10 am appointment. It's crazy that in a matter of hours from writing this my hair will be cut.

Recently, I went through baby pictures and the last time that I had short hair was when I was baby. I was born with a full head of hair, and my parents never got it cut as short as I am getting it cut tomorrow. This is going to be an adventure and I hope I love my new hair. I think I will because it's something that I've wanted to do for a while.

After My Hair Cut

Initial Thought:

Holy…. I can't believe I did it. It looks different, it looks like woah. Like wow.

After The Initial Thought:

After I got my haircut I began walking through the mall, and I was snapchatting people and I was running my fingers through my hair. It felt weird because my hair was so short.

Then I kept on taking selfies and showing it to people, and wow. I love it. I love this look so much, and it was definitely needed.

My Friend's Reactions

Everyone loved it! Honestly, it's a great boost of confidence to have people say they love it. I already loved it before, but it's still really nice to have people call it cute because a big part of me feared that this would be the worst mistake in my life.

I had no idea what I was going to look like with short hair, I didn't know what to expect. This was a change and it was a scary change. Throughout my haircut, I kept on thinking to myself I cannot believe I am doing this. My hairdresser was excited and shocked by the decision.

Part of me thought that I was going to chicken out numerous times. However, I didn't and I am so glad I went through with it. I am so in love with this look and "new year, new me" is sort of being embraced right now.

I am not a completely different person than I was in 2018, but I was not the same person when I entered 2018 compared to when I left 2018. I learned a lot and this haircut was needed.

It was needed to start the year off fresh and for me to not carry any of the baggage I've been carrying my whole life. In 2019, I am embracing change and I am letting go of the grudges and things that have been dragging me down. Me cutting my hair was a physical representation to letting go of that baggage.

It's a new start and I love this look, I probably might keep it because it's so stinking cute. Also, it is way easier to maintain compared to my long hair. It took me 2 whole minutes to brush my hair versus 10. That's amazing!

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