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7 Christian Books On My Reading List

It's always nice to have some Christian book recommendations, so here's what I'm reading now.

7 Christian Books On My Reading List
Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels

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I am so excited to see how God chooses to reveal Himself to me through these three books.

1. The Essential Tozer Collection by A.W. Tozer

At the beginning of this year, I came across this collection in a Barnes & Noble while looking for another book. It contains 3 of A.W. Tozer's most well known and loved books, The Pursuit of God, The Purpose of Man, and The Crucified Life. I've always heard about the impact Tozer's writing has had on many, and so I am so excited to see how God chooses to reveal Himself to me through these three books.

2. The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

Since I was a little girl reading Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis has been one of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite, authors. His style of writing is a little more flowy and difficult to read, but his profound wisdom and relatable writing keep the reader interested while still packing in deep, theological truths. I have already read 2 of Lewis's books (besides Narnia, of course), and I look forward to adding this one to my repertoire.

3. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney

This is a book which was recommended to me by a youth minister, and I have actually already begun it. It walks you through biblical spiritual disciplines and gives practical applications for them. I cannot wait to continue growing spiritually through learning more about spiritual disciplines from this scripturally sound text.

4. Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst

Uninvited has generated a lot of buzz within the women's Christian realm, and nearly all of it is positive, so earlier this year, I found myself searching high and low for this book. I have tried to start it a couple of times, but never actually got further than the first chapter for some reason. However, I'm not discounting it yet, because I've seen some great quotes from it. I'm hoping this one is a pleasant surprise.

5. The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey

I began this book a year or so ago, and I absolutely loved it, but one day, it just disappeared. No matter how hard I look, I still cannot find it, but I've decided that it's time to order a new one since I enjoyed the first part so much. I'm pumped to dig into this book and learn more about the character of Jesus.

6. Radical by David Platt

While I don't know much about this book, I'm really excited about it because it was a yard sale find, and because I've always heard amazing things about David Platt. I can't wait to discover more about Platt's writing and to gain knowledge from this book.

7. James

Yes, I'm referring to James from the New Testament. This book of the Bible has always been one of my favorites, but recently I've been reading it in a different light, and I'm so thrilled with what God has already revealed to me through this wisdom-packed book, so I fully intend to continue my journey through James.

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