A Movie I "Actually Love"
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A Movie I "Actually Love"

Watch this film if it's the last thing you do.

A Movie I "Actually Love"

The film Love Actually is a comedic, heartbreaking, bittersweet, and clever tale that every person on Earth should watch in their lifetime. The story follows eight extremely different couples, all of whom are in different stages of relationships. Juliet and Peter are young and in love, but Peter’s best friend Mark obviously does not approve for some unknown reason. Karen and Daniel are an older couple, but things get difficult when Karen suspects that Daniel is having an affair with a woman at her husband’s work. Aurelia and Jamie immediately have an attraction for each other, but have trouble communicating, due to the fact that they speak entirely different languages. These plot lines, along with many others, find a way to all intertwine and interrelate connecting all of the characters by the end of the 137-minute film. The journey I took while watching this movie was authentic and raw, and the emotions I felt were constantly changing from the first scene to the closing credits.

The reason Love Actually stands out among love stories is because there is more than one plot, and no main character for the viewer to follow the entire time. Different scenarios in the movie will make you feel different things; whether that’s sadness, warmth, sympathy, or happiness. In one story-line, the new Prime Mister has trouble flirting with his new attendant, which is awkward, cute and relatable. In a more heartwarming scenario, a man whose wife has just passed has to learn how to cope, and connect with his stepson at the same time. In a strictly funny plot-line, a man decides to vacation to America, hoping to find a woman that will fall in love with him for his British accent. I guarantee that everyone who watches this movie will latch on to a certain character or couple, which is why these various plots work. The director of this movie, Richard Curtis, cleverly puts these plots on the screen, so that they’re not convoluted, but entertaining and something you can watch over and over again and never get tired of.

Although one could call Love Actually a “romantic comedy,” it is definitely not a typical one. This movie is one that almost anyone could enjoy, despite gender, movie preferences, or even age (if an R rating is something they can handle). There’s truly something for everyone in this film. If comedies are your forte, I can promise you that this movie will make you laugh. If you are more of a drama fan, there are points where tears will most likely be shed. On top of that, there are quirky, cute, and feel-good moments as well. Because of the versatility of this film, viewers of any age could sit down and watch it, with near certainty that everyone would enjoy the film in one way or another.

Relationships are what Love Actually’s plot is centered around. The superb screenplay (written by Richard Curtis as well) and gifted cast not only make these connections realistic, but beautiful and sentimental as well. For the duration of this entire film, these relationships are being established, broken, and altered due to various people, things, and events that are continuously coming in and out of the movie. Actors such as Keira Knightly, Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, and Hugh Grant are a key reason why this movie is at the top of my list. These British celebrities, along with others, interact with idealistic chemistry and spot-on comedic timing. They play their characters convincingly, a task that can make or break a movie. Like I said before, they act to an incredible screenplay as well, one that has the perfect combination of bittersweetness, humor, and of course, romance.

If you have not seen Love Actually, watch it. Having it take place around the Holidays would make it the ideal film to rent or buy in this next season. The heavily layered plot will make you think, but keep you entertained. The versatility will allow you to watch it with almost anyone, while sharing laughs, cries, and relatable moments. Finally, the cast and screenplay will make every single relationship in the movie wonderfully real and exceptionally delightful. I guarantee that if you have any feelings at all, this movie will take you on a well-worth-it emotional roller coaster. It will leave you wanting more, while still feeling a sense of fulfillment. So go and add Love Actually to your list on Netflix, rent it on Redbox, or click “order” on On Demand. Your life will inevitably become better once you do.

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