29. Lord of the Rings (All three) | The Odyssey Online
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70 Of The Most Referenced Movies Ever

The basics of movies and pop culture pieces.

Lots of people sat on the cinema wearing 3D glasses

Ever wonder what your friend meant when they started babbling about you taking their stapler? Or how whenever you ask your friend for a favor they respond with "As You Wish?" Are you looking for new and creative ways to insult your friends?

Well, look no further. Here is a list of 70 of the most quotable movies of all time. Here you will find answers to your questions along with a multitude of other things such as; new insults for your friends, interesting characters, fantastic story lines, and of course quotes to log into your mind for future use.

So lock down this list and impress your friends and family with your impressive film knowledge that fills the space of all that schoolwork that you just forgot. Because after all, "How could I handle school on a day like this?"

1. Jurassic Park

2. Princess Bride

3. Office Space

4. Sixteen Candles

5. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

6. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

7. ​Absolutely Anything (Robin William's Last Movie)​

8. Mrs. Doubtfire

9. To Kill a Mockingbird

10. A Few Good Men

11. Good Will Hunting

12. Dead Poet’s Society

13. Wizard of Oz

14. The Shining

15. Silence of the Lambs

16. Jaws

17. Casablanca

18. Singin’ in the Rain

19. E.T. Extra Terrestrial

20. Zootopia (basically all things Disney, except frozen)

21. Alien

22. Gone With the Wind

23. Harry Potter (All of them)

24. Star Wars (All but Rogue One)

25. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Arc

26. Die Hard

27. Titanic

28. It’s a Wonderful Life

29. Lord of the Rings (All three)

30. Airplane

31. Ghostbusters

32. Groundhog Day

33. A Clockwork Orange

34. The Terminator

35. Saving Private Ryan

36. Carrie (1976)

37. Pulp Fiction

38. Sixth Sense

39. The Matrix

40. West Side Story

41. Fight Club

42. Shaun of the Dead

43. Hot Fuzz

44. Forrest Gump

45. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

46. Back to the Future

47. The Breakfast Club

48. Mean Girls

49. The Sandlot

50. Wayne’s World

51. A Christmas Story

52. Elf

53. Napoleon Dynamite

54. The Big Lebowski

55. Spaceballs

56. Shrek

57. Beetlejuice

58. The Hangover

59. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

60. Anatasia

61. Young Frankenstein

62. Zoolander

63. Field of Dreams

64. American Pie

65. Gremlins

66. Big V for Vendetta

67. The Birds

68. How to Train your Dragon

69. The Labyrinth

70. Marvel Movies (All of them, even the bad ones)

There are plenty of other movies that are fantastic and worth watching, but this is where you should start. Try knocking a few out during those rainy days this summer!

Happy Watching!!!

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