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Top 5 Favorite Apps To Have A Great Morning

What you do before you leave in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day.

Top 5 Favorite Apps To Have A Great Morning

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Before I came to college, I had a pretty basic morning routine. I would wake up at the same time every day, shower, get dressed, etc. Having to wake up at 6 a.m. all the time certainly made me dislike waking up early, but I also disliked doing so because I would stay up late at night. However, once I began implementing usage of the following apps I began enjoying waking up early and looked forward to each and every day.

1. Peptalk

One of the greatest things I began noticing was that whenever I started my day off with affirmations, I had a much better day. One day I just so happened to come across the Peptalk app and it has been really helpful and life changing. The speeches/podcasts I listen to are very motivational and occasionally I have listened to them while working out. For the first five weeks that you use the app, you also get a free e-book every week.

2. Sleep Cycle

Junior year of college my schedule began becoming very hectic and I began getting less sleep. When I discovered the sleep cycle app, I was pleasantly surprised with what I discovered. My little sister had told me that I had snored before using the app and I didn't believe her until I listened to a recording from the app of me snoring. I also liked the fact that the app tracked my sleep quality, when I actually fell asleep and I was able to see my heart rate or heart quality (if that makes sense) as soon as I would wake up. This app really came in handy during doctor visits.

3. Sprinkle of Jesus

I am certainly not forcing my religious beliefs on anyone. Furthermore, this isn't an app that I use on a daily basis. It is more so an app that keeps me on my toes or p's and q's with its notifications of inspirational quotes.

4. My Fitness Pal

When I began gaining a significant amount of weight, I went to meet with a nutritionist. One of the things she recommended was that I monitor my calorie intake. One of my friends had recommended using this app before and I was very happy when I started using it. It was very useful.

5. Nike Training Club

I personally am not a huge fan of at home workouts because I typically do the same workouts. Furthermore, I didn’t think at home workouts were fun until I downloaded the Nike training club app. With this app, I had access to free workouts. While I didn’t stick with the app, when I did use it it was very useful.

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